- 基于simulink的uwb仿真 uwb.mdl: UWB model - open this to begin. uwb_lib.mdl: Library blocks for UWB model. uwb_init.m: Initialization called before model is loaded. uwb_settings: Sets up structure containing system parameters ( uwb in workspace).
- 超宽带UWB,包括:uwb.mdl: UWB model - open this to begin. uwb_lib.mdl: Library blocks for UWB model. uwb_init.m: Initialization called before model is loaded. uwb_settings: Sets up structure containing system parameters ( uwb in workspace). uwb_imr.
- 系统辨识课上做的利用相关分析法辨识脉冲响应的实验。包括用M序列生成白噪声,计算互相关函数得到脉冲响应估计值等等,比较基础-Experiment about Identifying the pulse response with a method of correlative analysis in my class on system identification. It contains using M-sequence to generate white noise, bu calculat
- This the matlab source codes. It will generate the unit step sequnce and unit impulse sequence.-This is the matlab source codes. It will generate the unit step sequnce and unit impulse sequence.
- 语音仿真程序,生成房间的冲击响应,方法为Image方法,程序简单可用。-Voice simulation program to generate the room impulse response, methods for the Image methods, procedures can be simple.
- 此函数产生超宽带信道的冲激响应 其中的主要参数有,TMG--仿真距离下平均总多径增益,fc--抽样频率值 hf--离散时间冲激响应 OT--用户可以选择的观测时间,ts--时间分辨率,LAMBDA--簇到达速率,lambda--簇内脉冲到达速率 GAMMA--簇衰减因子,gamma--簇内脉冲衰减因子,sigma1--簇衰落的标准方差,sigma2--簇内脉冲幅度衰落的标准方差 sigmax--总多径增益的对数的标准差,rdt--用户可以选择的参数,用于限制每簇内多径分量的
- matlab code to generate various type of noise- poisson, gaussian, impulse noise.
- 此程序采用频域法产生一个复高斯过程. 其中,RayJakes.m采用频域方法产生具有Jakes功率谱的瑞利衰落过程 子程序Jakes_filter用于产生具有Jakes功率谱的FIR滤波器冲激响应 -This program uses a frequency domain method to produce a complex Gaussian process Among them, the RayJakes.m frequency domain method to generat
- 该函数实现卷积编码 (2,1,3)卷积码的译码器,生成冲激响应分别为[1 1 1]和[1 0 1] 用维特比译码实现-This function convolution coding (2,1,3) convolutional code decoder to generate the impulse response, respectively [1] and [1 0 1] Viterbi decoding
- 数字信号处理的应用之一是从含有加性噪声的信号中去除噪声。现有被噪声污染的信号x[k]=s[k]+d[k],式中: 为原始信号d[k]为均匀分布的白噪声。(1)分别产生50点的序列s[k]与白噪声序列ddd[k],将二者叠加生成x[k],并在同一张图上绘出x0[k],d[k]与x[k]的序列波形。(2)均值滤波能有效去除叠加在低频信号上的噪声。已知3点滑动平均数字滤波器的单位脉冲响应为h[k]=[1, -One of the applications of digital signal pro
- this used to generate the impulse and gaussion noise generation-this used to generate the impulse and gaussion noise generation
- 1、产生信号,两个实正弦信号的叠加,幅度分别为2、4、1、3;混入均值为0、方差为1的白噪声。采用自适应滤波器对其进行去噪。 2.产生信号,为两个实正弦信号的叠加,其幅度均为4,混入均值为0、方差为1的白噪声。采用有限脉冲响应法设计一个维纳滤波器估计信号 ,并求最小均方误差。 3.产生高斯分布的白噪声w(n),自行给定一个5阶AR模型,让该白噪声通过这个AR模型,得到输出信号x(n),再估计x(n)的AR模型数,比较估计的结果和原来给定的AR模型的参数。-A signal to be g
- matlab下filter程序,有脉冲响应法和双线性变换法生成filter,各参数有详细注释,有信号滤波前后的图形、频谱及相位对比。-Under filter matlab procedures, generate filter impulse response method and bilinear transformation method, various parameters are detailed notes, graphics, spectrum and phase contras
- to generate room impulse response this be used as a source code to mex with matlab
- A program to generate the following with the help of input length sequence. 1. Unit impulse function. 2. Unit step function. 3. Unit ramp function. 4. Exponential function.-A program to generate the following with the help of input length seq
- 产生脉冲噪声,改变参数的系数,可以获得不同的噪声类型-Generate impulse noise, change the coefficient parameters, you can get different kinds of noise
- 单位采样序列在时域离散信号和系统中所起的作用和单位冲激函数在时域连续信号和系统中所起的作用相同,但其定义简单而精确。为方便起见,通常称该序列为离散冲激,或简称冲激,程序3.1为生成单位采样序列的MatLAB程序,生成的序列如图 3.7所示。-Action units and units of sample sequences in the time domain and the discrete signal from the system as a function of the impuls
- 声学系统测试,生成impulse noise 和non-Gaussian noise混和信号-Acoustic system testing, generate impulse noise and non-Gaussian noise mixed signals
- 整车操稳方向盘转角脉冲横摆角速度增益数据处理程序,可以根据仿真结果自动计算增益,并且可以自动生成ADAMS软件的随即路面-Vehicle operation stability of steering wheel angle pulse yaw velocity gain data processing program, can automatically calculate the gain according to the simulation results, and can automa
- In the simplest form of LPC coding, voiced excitation consists of a train of impulses which differs a great deal real world cases, where each excitation pulse possesses a certain shape, different an ideal impulse. The shape of the pulse contain