- GeoTagGE,一个基于Google Earth的GPS标点程序。使用Google Earth的COM API开发。
- 介绍了如何把Garmin的GPS轨迹、航点转化为可以在Google Earth中打开的KML格式。对于想开发GPS和Google Earth结合的程序的人有用。
- GPS开发迅速上手,简单绑定串口号后,即可获得GPS经纬度坐标、速度、等信息,包括寻找到的卫星数、信号强度等,根据当前坐标即可在图上实施绘制,不过范围需事先指定,我们在Demo用了福州市的一部分地图,地图位图通过Google Earth截取。适用所有经串口回传的GPS模块,VC++6.0开发,
- Use RS232 get GPS data, and cover to WGS84 format, and show on google map
- 本程序采用Google earth 提供的com api接口,从GPS程序中拷贝数据,然后控制GE的摄像头焦点。程序使用COPYDATA消息传递数据。-This program uses Google earth to provide the com api interface to copy the data from the GPS program, and then control the camera focus of GE. COPYDATA messaging program use
- GPS Track connects to a GPS and records the path that you travel. Tracks can be uploaded to a web site, sent by email, transferred via Bluetooth, or written to a flash memory card.-GPS Track connects to a GPS and records the path that you travel. Tr
- 谷歌搜索软件GPS 谷歌地球-Search Google GPS Google Earth software
- 读取GPS坐标,显示到GOOGLE EARTH上-read the coordinates from GPS and then draw it on Google Earth
- 使用MAPX4.0组件用DELPHPI6.0编写的gps和GIS管理程序。mapx for csharp。mapx和arcgis engine和arcgis server,AO,MO,google map一样都是GIS开发组件。-Use MAPX4.0 components prepared with DELPHPI6.0, and GIS Manager gps. mapx for csharp. mapx and arcgis engine and arcgis server, AO, MO
- 基于Google Earth 和GPS的导航系统设计与实现-Google Earth and GPS-based navigation system design and implementation
- gps map using google earth
- 基于MSP430和MicroSD卡的GPS记录器 MSP430f149接收C3-370模块GPS信号,用Nokia5110液晶显示经纬度,并将$GPRMC语句后62字节保存在Micro SD卡上。所存数据读入电脑后可通过RouteConverter.exe软件转成KML文件,加载到google earth后可以显示轨迹。 资料包括 原理图:Altium Designer Winter 09 格式和PDF格式 控制程序:基于MSP430F149的GPS记录程序。主
- 室内惯性导航小程序。 默认为GPS模式 通过转换模式 进入惯性导航 手机朝前用手平托 可以继续在sd卡上记录航迹 生成GPX文件 可以导入google earth查看记录的航迹 内部编写了计步器 较为准确 用以计算距离-Indoor inertial navigation procedures. Default forward hand Pinto can continue to record the track on the sd card to generate a GPX file
- 在 s60 3rd 手机上读取GPS数据,存为 kml 文件,用于Google Earth读取显示-Smart Route for S603rd edition devices allows the user to save data read from external GPS device. Data can be exported to kml-file, which can be read and plotted by Google Earth.
- 本实验主要实验了运用GPS接收机采集一段选定地图的全球定位数据并转存,用C++ builder软件实验在地图上的轨迹重现,并添加速度颜色标识,暂停等功能。地图由Google Earth软件截取电子地图。 -This experiment main experimental use of the GPS receiver global positioning data acquisition period of the selected map and dump reproduce the t
- NMEA示例文件,内含4个NMEA格式文件,均是从互联网搜索得到,已在Google Earth GPS模块上测试成功。-The file of NMEA example, contains 4 NMEA format, are obtained from the Internet search, has been tested successfully on Google Earth GPS module.
Google Earth
- This can store gps data and display it on google earth has a very neat approach to do this
- VB实现GPS卫星定位及地图显示 Google Earth . -VB+ Google Earth
- 一款可将GNSS/GPS/北斗定位数据、NMEA0183文件转换为KML/KMZ格式的小工具,支持标准的windows系统,生成的转换数据含定位点信息、轨迹线信息,可在谷歌地球上分层显示,很不错的实用小工具。(One can convert the GNSS/GPS/ Beidou Positioning Data, NMEA0183 file format for the KML/KMZ gadget, windows system supports standard, convert the
Google Earth
- 根据照片的GPS信息修改成kml文件,导入谷歌地球,制作相册地图(According to the GPS information of the photo, change it into KML file, import Google earth, make album map.)