- GPS 定位 校时 G591B G591模块产品定义书 1.GPS芯片 :基于 JRC第九代单芯片SH319方案 2.卫星信道 :88通道, (66个捕获通道,22个追踪通道) 3.频率 :L1, 1.57542 GHz, C/A 码 4.启动时间 :<1.5s(热启),<34s(温启),<35s(冷启) 5.功耗 :38mW typical@tracking 6.GPS精度 :<2.5m Position Accuracy; 0.
- This GPS Acquisition..by Matlab, this file performs cold start acquisition on the collected "data". It searches for GPS signals of all satellites, which are listed in field "acqSatelliteList" in the settings structure. Function saves code phase
- This GPS Matlab acquisition code. Function performs cold start acquisition on the collected "data". It searches for GPS signals of all satellites, which are listed in field "acqSatelliteList" in the settings structure. Function saves code phase
- GPS原理与应用就GPS全球定位系统的原理和应用展开了非常详细的讲述。它从GPS的历史开始,直讲到全球定位系统的各种应用。-Principle and Application of GPS on the GPS global positioning system and application of the principle to start a very detailed talk about. GPS history from the beginning, direct about the
- 基于CC1100和CPLD的时差法测距实验 以GPS秒脉冲为复位信号及开始计时的时间基准, 同时作为无线发射的触发信号。 计时由CPLD计数时钟脉冲实现, 当发射机发射完毕后CC1100模块给出中断,中止主机CPLD的计时, 得到发射时间脉冲数n1; 当接收机CC1100接收到数据包后,给出中断, 提醒单片机处理,并且中止接收部分CPLD的计时, 得到收到时间脉冲数n2。 由n2-n1乘以时钟周期可得电波的传播时间。 程序包括:CPLD计时器程
- GPS(陕西天文台2006C)卫星校时软件 随WINDOWS自动启动/取消启动模块,自动校时,任务栏隐藏,程序隐藏-GPS (Shaanxi Observatory, 2006C) of satellite schools with WINDOWS software automatically when you start/cancel startup module, automatic error correction, task bar hide, hide program
- GPS-OEM 板与MCS-51 单片机的信息交换 GPS-OEM 板发数据,MCS-51 单片机接收、存储数据。采用串行异步方式, 字符长度8 位, 1 位起始位, 1 位停止位, 无校验, 波特率为9600。-GPS-OEM MCS-51 microcontroller board and the exchange of information made GPS-OEM board data, MCS-51 microcontroller receiving, storing data.
- GPS客户端源代码程序,可以实现很多功能,想学习的朋友可以入手。-GPS client source code, can achieve a lot of features, like friends can learn to start.
- windows CE下的GPS编程模块,可供入手的朋友参考,主要是通过串口实现-windows CE programming under the GPS module, start with a friend for reference, mainly through the serial interface
- 一个小程序,用来启动GPS串口揭发数据。本程序仅供参考-A small program used to start the GPS serial data is uncovered. This program is for reference only
- 此書籍適合想入門GPS的初學者,透過這本書可以了解GPS的內部架構,與訊號的特性。-This book is suitable for beginners to start the GPS, this book can be understood through the GPS internal structure, and signal characteristics.
- 此電子書籍適合想入門GPS的初學者,與一般GPS書籍不同的是,本書是使用matlab開發GPS接收機的環境,使用軟體接收機的好處是,比傳統硬體GPS有更好的靈活性,成本也比較低。-This e-book for beginners to start the GPS, GPS and general book different is that the book is a GPS receiver using matlab development environment, the receiver
- start,use and show gps informatios in windows mobile 6.5 6
- 能够对GPS的数据并在12864上显示经度和纬度,按键测脉搏的按键的时候,开始测量脉搏,并将结果发到手机上,如果脉搏不正常,在12864上显示脉搏是高了还是低了,如果正常显示正常的数据。-The GPS data and display the latitude and longitude in the 12864 key measure pulse button to start measuring the pulse, and the results sent to your phone,
- matlab读取GPS时间信息,UTC代码- GPS2UTC Convert GPS time tags to UTC(GMT) time accounting for leap seconds GPS2UTC(date) corrects an array of GPS dates(in any matlab format) for leap seconds and returns an array of UTC datenums where: UTC =
- GPS的数据格式,每位数据代表的含义,包括开始,结束,经度,纬度,校验位等-GPS data format, data representing the meaning of each, including the start, end, longitude, latitude, parity bits, etc.
Gps Tracker ATS
- 09-12-2013 + add rememberMe/forgetMe option in login page + upgrade jquery library to v1.10.2 + ablity to save options into database. / remove grouping from session to store it into database. / fix issue with upload/unlink logo files / fix issue geof
- 一个完整的GPS(C程序)实现数据采集、处理、终端显示。适合刚步入的新手!-(C) a complete GPS data acquisition, processing, display terminal. Is suitable for the new start!
- On one hand, when higher-level ethanol blends are used, the higher latent heat of vaporization can result in cold-start issues. On the other hand, a higher octane number, which indicates resistance to knock and enables optimal combustion phasing, imp
EC20 AT指令驱动
- EC20模块AT指令驱动,EC20是移远一款带有GPS功能的LTE模块,代码实现了AT指令数据收发 1、使用 AT+QGPSCFG 对GPS参数进行配置,此步骤不进行亦可使用(采用默认参数)。 2、使用 AT+QGPS 开启GPS功能,激活NMEA端口开始上报GPS NMEA数据,也可通过AT指令端口获取NMEA GPS数据(EC20 module is driven by at command. EC20 is a LTE module with GPS function. The code