- //given a grid cell, returns the set of triangles that approximates the region where val == 0. int Polygonise(GRIDCELL &Grid, MeshFace *Triangles, int &NewVertexCount, Vec3 *Vertices)
- 很好用的网格控件,支持单元格编辑,我在多个工程中都在使用.,A good grid control used to support cell editing, I am in a number of projects are in use.
- 可以设置单元格颜色的网格控件,继承于ListCtrl,也是挺独特的一类控件。-You can set the color of the grid cell control, inherited from ListCtrl, is also a class of control is quite unique.
- 用Java写的报表.功能如下: 0.内建网络打印,网络预览功能! 1.文件操作。包括url 指定的文件。 2.全功能打印支持。包括打印预览。 3.Undo 和 redo。 4.合并单元格。 5.Cell selection using the mouse or keyboards(快捷键支持)。 6.单元格高宽调整 。 7.丰富的前景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 8.背景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 9.每个单元格支持空心字
- The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems. It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidist
- 用c语言演绎“生命游戏” 本世纪70年代,人们曾疯魔一种被称作“生命游戏”的小游戏,这种游戏相当简单。假设有一个像棋盘一样的方格网,每个方格中放置一个 生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。-Using c language interpretation " life game" 70s of this century, people had a tremendous influence known as the " life game&qu
- Data grid allow user to insert new data and the cell will blink when new data is entered. -Data grid allow user to insert new data and the cell will blink when new data is entered.
- 一个VB写的Grid控件源码,功能超强大。可以在单元格中添加图片、复选框、下拉列表、按钮等控件,可以进行单元格内容格式化、合并单元格、锁定单元格等,运行界面见图片,详细使用请运行压缩包中的例子。这是本人从国外网站上找的一个很牛的控件,值得收藏和研究,请保留原作者的相关信息。 -A Grid control written in VB source code, function superpower. Cells can be added to images, check box, drop-do
- c# grid view cell merging
- 电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图 画图程序 TE 波TM波 TEM波都有-Yee Cell FDTD electromagnetic field quantity staggered grid position diagram drawing program TE, TM waves are TEM wave
- 对构件进行优化分析时,需要将其剖分成四面体网格单元,本源码可以用来求每一个小四面体的刚度矩阵-Optimization analysis of the components need to be partitioned into tetrahedral grid cell, the source can be used to seek the stiffness matrix of each small tetrahedron
- The files in this directory will be replaced by new versions some time in the future. Check this file for information on latest update. The following files are presently included: GRID.F This file contains a code for generating 3D Cartesi
- 分析当前一些主流网格模拟器(8种),并对它们进行对比和分类,可以为网格系统研究 人员和网格模拟器设计者提供方便。 -Analysis of the current number of primary drift cell simulator (8), and comparing and classifying them, the grid system for researchers and designers to provide convenient grid simulator.
- 实现燃料电池并网发电系统仿真,包括燃料电池模型和并网逆变器模型于一体。看到很多朋友需要燃料电池并网发电系统仿真的程序,然而出于技术竞争等原因,大家都不愿意共享,这里给出一个个人利用PSCAD/EMTDC搭建的燃料电池并网发电系统,包括了燃料电池部分和并网逆变器的部分的详细模型,比较符合电力电子仿真的真实性。由于发表的目的在于共享,可能做得不好,让行家见笑了,希望对有需要的朋友有所启发。-This a PSCAD file which can simulate a typical fuel cel
- Occupancy Grid Mapping: using bayesian rules to update the grid probability of occupancy for only static coordinate (the probability describe the cell is occupied or not or unknown)
- 用PSCAD软件编写的燃料电池发电模型,包括逆变器-Fuel cell power generation model
- This document explain the fdtd grid of an electromagnetic problem.At this document three kind of antenna are investigated
- extjs grid 单元格合并,通过对exitjs代码重绘完成相同单元格何必-the extjs grid cell merger
- NASA的CFD计算流体力学软件,功能强大,用途广,可用于科研和实际工程计算。 源代码,已开源,可用于科研(CFL3D is a structured-grid, cell-centered, upwind-biased, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) code. It can be run in parallel on multiple grid zones with point-matched, patched, overset, or em
- 将三维点云投影到二维,进行动态物体检测与跟踪,适合无人车应用,值得学习(transform point cloud to grid map)