- Bayesian-HSMM it is very useful. in fact, it extended tranditional HSMM. it contains a example, if you want to used it, please run demo.-a matalab code based on Bayesian-HSMM. it is very useful. in fact, it extended tranditional HSMM. it contains
- Hidden SemiMarkov models 主要是改进HMM存在状态保持时间的局限性,引入了持续时间的函数显式表达-Hidden SemiMarkov models was mainly to improve HMM state of existence to maintain the limitations of time, the introduction of an explicit function of the duration of expression of
- hsmm的matlab例子,提供了各种说明函数,注释丰富-hsmm matlab example
Schmidt-Segmentation (HMM heart sound)-Code-master
- Matlab code for the Schmidt HMM-based heart sound segmentation. An example of the implementation of this code can be found in “run_Example_Schmidt_scr ipt.m”. This code is derived from the paper: S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart s
- 隐半马尔科夫模型matlab算法,改进的隐马尔可夫模型,增加了状态停留时间(hidden semi-markvo model Add state duration)