- This usefull source for control CIS Sensor and has fallowed functions 1) read image data frome 3channel 200dpi CIS Sensor 2)Encoder Sync Technoledge for more high resolution analiysys with shared the time divition 3)Psudo Video Ram read by
- 这个主要是用vhdl语言来实现从xilinxFPGA中的RBOM中读取一幅图像,并通过VGA口显示出来,同时还有加密的功能,按不同的按键可以实现图像颜色转换。-The vhdl language is mainly used in the RBOM from a xilinxFPGA to read an image, and displayed through the VGA port, as well as the function of encryption, the keys can b
- 这是一个有关实时模拟和数字图像处理的fpga程序-This is a real-time analog and digital image processing procedures for the FPGA
- minimum uart image for transfer image to FPGA then read again by PC
- 本设计主要用来进行图像采集处理,通过摄像头采集图像信息,经过插值算法后存储到外部SDRAM,然后读取图像数据,进行边缘滤波处理后经VGA输出到屏幕上。-This design is mainly used for image acquisition and processing,through the camera capture image information,after interpolation to the external memory after the SDRAM,and th