- Account.java 主要用于用户的增删改数据(用户名+帐户余额)存于E盘accountdata.txt文件中 Bank.java 主要用于用户的增删改数据(用户名+卡号+密码)存于E盘bankdata.txt文件中 AtmAccount.java 用户的界面设计 AtmBank.java 管理员的界面设计 AtmMain.java 程序运行的主类(画面加载后从这里运行) JWindowDemo.java 加载画面 atm.jpg 加在画面时用到的图片...自己可以改
- 用JAVA 写的模拟ATM取款机系统。自设一个账号密码,个人感觉测试得比较完善,就是没有用数据库实现。,Writing with JAVA Simulation System ATM teller machines. Since set up a password account, personal feeling of the test was fairly complete, is of no use database implementation.
- 简易银行卡管理系统作为ATM的模拟系统,可以实现开户、存款、取款、挂失、消户等基本功能。-Easy bank card management system as a simulation of ATM systems, can open an account, deposits, withdrawals, report the loss, the basic functions, such as consumer households.
- 课程设计:ATM Project源码,有四个独立程序,银行端,货物公司端,ATM取款机端,自动售货机端,应该可以算四个,还有一个VC写的配置ODBC的源吗,另外,请求一个帐号用于下载源吗-Course Design: ATM Project source, there are four independent procedures, the bank client, goods company client, ATM client teller machines, vending machine
- 模拟ATM取款机,没有连接数据库!自己设的密码和账号!功能基本实现!-Simulation of ATM teller machines, not connected to the database! Own password and account set up! Function basically realize!
- 老师的作业,JAVA编写的ATM,需连接sql server 2000,可取款存款,注册账号与修改注册信息。-Teacher s operation, JAVA prepared ATM, to be connected to sql server 2000, cash deposits may be, registered with the account to change your registration information.
- simple ATM [Automatic Teller Machine] system the basic functions Login including write-offs, inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and alter the code. Simulation of ATM terminal users logged in, their account numbers and passwords through the ATM network
- 利用简单的数据库实现ATM柜员机的基本功能(包括存取款,转账,开户,开锁)实现管理员与普通用户的区分-Using simple database implementation of the basic functions of ATM teller machines [including deposits, transfers, account opening, unlock] the administrator and general users to realize the distinct
- 基于Java技术,只实现了ATM机的取款过程 在这个程序中,用到以下JAVA类库: dataAccess(数据操作)类:包含用于数据库的相关操作 atmScreen(ATM屏幕)类:主要创建各操作窗体和相应按钮事件 Account(用户帐户)类:包含用户信息的验证、余额查询和扣钱等方法 readCard(读卡机)类:包含读取用户卡号和退卡(退出系统) moneyMachine(取钱机)类:只用于打印清单 Atm(系统)类
- 使用图形用户界面。当输入给定的账户和密码时,系统能登录ATM柜员机系统,并按照相应规则获得服务。-Using the graphical user interface. When you enter a given account and password, the system can log on ATM teller machine systems, and follow the rules of access to services.
- 模拟ATM机器的小程序,可以输入账号,选择清除和确认-Simulate ATM machine, user can enter in their account, and then choose cancel or enter.
- java atm项目 实现存款、取款、转账 开户、销户功能 test中的creatAccount readAccount可以写入和读取账户。 client 登录账户:1111-1111 密码:8888 staff 登录账户:sn001 密码:-java atm, project deposits, withdrawals, transfers, account opening, creatAccount readAccount cancel the account function te
- 开发语言:Java 数据库设计:使用了六张表,分别为:管理员表(admin)、ATM机表(ATM)、ATM机出纳 表(ATMOutIn)、银行柜台出纳表(BankOutIn)、银行卡表(card)、用户 表(users)。 三个触发器,分别为:冻结用户账号操作(userstatus_update)、 ATM机存取款操作(ATMOutIn_insert)和 银行存取款操作(BankOutIn_insert)。 一个视图、一个虚表:用户操作查询 (allInfo(
- 本系统由java开发,采用Access2000数据库,实现ATM取款、个人账户查询等功能。-The system consists of java development, the use Access2000 , to achieve ATM withdrawals, personal account query.
- Java语言程序设计(基础篇)编程练习题10.7(用Account类来模拟一台ATM机)(Java programming language (basic) programming exercises 10.7 (using Account class to simulate a ATM machine))
- 使用JAVA自带的图形化编程编程出带界面的ATM模拟程序,包括:使用用户名密码登录;取款;存款;修改密码;转账,可以连接数据库。(The ATM simulation program with interface is programmed by JAVA's graphical programming. It includes: login with user name, password, withdraw money, deposit, modify password, transfer