- 聆听混沌的声音 本世纪70年代初,美国普林斯顿大学的生态学家R·May在研究昆虫群体繁殖规律时提出一个著名的模型: χ[n+1]=k*χ[n]*(1-χ[n])-To listen to the voice of chaos the early 70s of this century, the United States at Princeton University ecologist R · May insect population breeding in the study pu
- CLIQUE聚类算法 CLIQUE是高维数据空间中基于网格和密度的聚类方法。-k-clique algorithm as defined in the paper "Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society"- G. Palla, I. Derényi, I. Farkas, and T. Vicsek- Nature 435, 814–818 (2005)
- [X,Y,Z] = k_clique(k,A) Inputs: k - clique size A - adjacency matrix Outputs: X - detected communities Y - all cliques (i.e. complete subgraphs that are not parts of larger complete subgraphs) Z - k-clique matrix-k-clique alg