- 自制的ATMEGA16的PROTEUS开发板,包含如下组件:8个发光二极管、液晶显示器1602、矩阵键盘、IO独立键盘、串口调试器、8位8段数码管、SPI接口调试器、时钟、存储器24c02等。-An ATMEGA16 develop board circuit drawed in ISIS Proteus v7.7.The components it contains are as follows:eight LEDs linked to P1,dot array LCD 1602,four l
- Library for the 8051 microcontroller. such as math routine, hexBCD, LCD, Keyboard, I2C, Remote, Keypad, Serial EEPROM.. ect. All lybrary function has been tested. -Library for the 8051 microcontroller. such as math routine, hexBCD, LCD, Keyb
- ATM using pic16f877 Have 10 users 0-9, 4 digits password saved in to EEPROM, can consult money, make transfer between users since 1 to 99 999, all is saved in to EEPROM, can change the password, Use keypad, LCD, and PIC16f8-ATM using pic16
- Digital Lock Code. It uses Keypad and EEPROM of PIC18F452 Microcontroller
- mstar液晶电视设备驱动代码,包括eeprom,flash,keypad,panel,tuner,ir,audioamp,hdmiswitch等 非常全面-mstar TV device driver include: eeprom,flash,keypad,panel,tuner,ir,audioamp,hdmiswitch
- 採用DMA-ARM7 4510B嵌入式開發設計平台,以4X4鍵盤搭配LCD和EEPROM實現密碼鎖的功能-DMA-ARM7 4510B embedded development design platform with the 4X4 keypad with LCD and EEPROM password lock function