- VC用ADO访问数据库全攻略,介绍了VC用ADO来访问数据库的各个对象及各方法,很经典,也很实用,很值得一看。
- 构造 NXN 阶的拉丁方阵(2<=N<=9),使方阵中的每一行和每 一列中数字1到N只出现一次。如N=4时: 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3-tectonic NxN bands Latin matrix (2lt; = Nlt; = 9), phalanx of each line and each series of numbers from 1 to N has only appeared once. If N
- 纳米(nanometer):长度单位的一种,1纳米=10-9米,即十亿分之一米。大约相当于头发粗细的八万分之一。“nanometer“\"源自拉丁文,意思是\"矮小\"。纳米的确微乎其微,然而纳米构建的世界却是神奇而宏大的。21世纪,信息科学技术、生命科学技术和纳米科学技术是科学技术发展的主流。人们普遍认为,纳米技术是信息和生命科学技术能够进一步发展的共同基础。纳米技术所带动的技术革命及其对人类的影响,远远超过电子技术。 -nm (nanometer) : A unit of length, o
- 这是用vb写的数独代码,数独源自欧拉的拉丁方块理论,现代数独在日本兴起,而风靡欧美-This is written in Visual Basic with a few independent code, a few Euler independence from the Latin American box theory, Modern few independence in Japan rise, and the sweeping Europe and the United States
- This code recognizes typed latin optical characters and outputs the corresponding Unicode value and character. It is implemented using Artificial Neural Network methods and can be trained for any available font type.-This code recognizes typed latin
- 克里金模型中的改进拉丁超立方取点方法,在实际应用中有较强的意义。-Kriging model to take to improve the Latin Hypercube point method, in practice there is a strong significance.
- Interesting application named Pig Latin that sorts various words based on Pig Latin algorithm.
- 构造拉丁方阵的方法很多,这里给出最简单的一种方法,用C语言 拉丁方阵-Latin squares constructed many ways, here are the simplest way of using C language Latin square
- 拉丁方阵众所周知,但是怎么让一串数字按照拉丁方阵来输出呢,看了这个文档你就会很清楚-Latin square is well known, but how to make a string of numbers in accordance with the Latin square to output it, read this document you will be very clear
- reconnaissance des differentes la ngue d ecriture arabe manuscrite et imprimée et latin manuscrite et imprimée -reconnaissance des differentes la langue d ecriture arabe manuscrite et imprimée et latin manuscrite et imprimée
- How to create guest latin name in vb 6.0
- 此源码会产生一个平方空间上随机的领域。样品创建拉丁超立方抽样和空间相关性是基于Cholesky分解算法-This source will generate a random field on a square space. Samples to create a Latin Hypercube Sampling and spatial correlation is based on the Cholesky decomposition algorithm
- 拉丁矩阵问题的回溯解法,《计算机算法设计与分析》习题-The Latin matrix backtracking solution of the problem, the computer algorithm design and analysis exercises
- 10 Pig installed with the Pig Latin language, the application case
- 拉丁超立方采样方法是一种科学的试验设计方法,其采样点具有分布均匀,具有代表性等特点。-Latin hypercube sampling method is a scientific method of experimental design, Its sampling points are distribution, representative and so on.
- 正交实验设计软件,可双击Latin.exe直接打开。用于多因素多水平的正交实验设计和实验结果的分析。-Orthogonal experimental design software, double-click Latin.exe opened directly. Orthogonal experimental design and analysis of experimental results for the multi-level multi-factor.
- 拉丁超立方体抽样,是一种初始化常用的方法,使得种群初始化更均匀-Latin hypercube sampling is a common method of initialization, which makes the population initialization more uniform
- Matlab 蒙特卡洛和拉丁超立方采样比较(Comparison of Matlab Monte Carlo and Latin hypercube sampling matlab)
- letras amstras cpc latin muy buenas.
Latin Hypercube Sampling
- 这是从多元正态分布、均匀分布和经验分布中实现拉丁超立方体采样的采样实用程序。变量之间的相关性可以被描述出来。(This is sampling utility implementing Latin hypercube sampling from multivariate normal, uniform & empirical distribution. Correlation among variables can be sprecified)