- PIC C CODE (MPLAB), This Code can be used to Work with a LCD Display and the built in ADC, in the code the ADC is set to get temperature from a LM35 temperature sensor, and it also receives data from the RS232 port and show it in the LCD Display.
- Thermometer with pic 12f675, lm35 and transmit via rs232 to PC on ascii caracters
- PIC单片机16877a的10位AD转换模块,含LM35温度检测,包括仿真文件,C源文件和MPLab项目文件-10-bit PIC microcontrollers 16877a AD converter module, containing LM35 temperature detection, including simulation files, C source files and project files MPLab
- A Four Chanel Temperature Meter using PIC 16F877A and sensor LM35. Output value on LCD 16x2. Can setup "Alarm-Temp" for each chanel.
- 用PIC中档单片机集成的A/D模块,采集LM35输出的模拟温度值,采样速度为2Hz。然后将10位的A/D转换结果分为高低两个字节(高字节8位、低字节2位),通过USART模块的异步模式传到PC机上。通信方式设定为波特率9600、帧格式为8位数据位、无校验位、1位停止位。-Integrated with a mid-range PIC microcontroller A/D module, collecting the the LM35 output of analog temperature v