- 本文采用模糊数学和优化理论建立起一套预测模型由计算机自动预测电力负荷从而保证了预测结果的正确性和可信度通过对深圳市远景年电量预测的实例表明该方法是可行而有效的 -this fuzzy optimization theory and mathematical model to establish a set automatically by a computer forecasting electricity load so guarantee the accuracy of the resu
- The Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) is a new design for building scalable Internet services. SEDA has three major goals: To support massive concurrency, on the order of tens of thousands of clients per node To exhibit robust performa
- 南海市信息网Web服务器负载平衡的解决方案,一个很不错的项目文档,包括需求说明,系统架构说明等 -Nanhai City Information Web server load balancing solution, a very good project documentation, including demand note, system architecture descr iptions, etc.
- Showin Video 秀影视频点播系统 是一套采用 php+mysql 数据库 方式运行并可生成html页面的全新且完善的强大系统。因具有非凡的访问速度和卓越的负载能力而深受国内外朋友的喜爱。 -Showin Sau Ying Video Video-on-Demand System is a database using php mysql side - operation can generate html pages of new and powerful sound system
- 基于CPLEX半连续变量求解发电机组单时段经济调度问题,给定负荷需求,求每台发电机输出P=0或Pmin<=P<=Pmax,使发电成本最小。-Semi-continuous variable based on CPLEX to solve a single period of economic generator scheduling problem, given the load demand, seeking each generator output P = 0 or Pmin
- 该方案可用于计算个人发电机产出,将最大可能满足电力系统的需求,以解决经济调度问题。发电机的数目在一个工厂是固定的为三个。然而,工厂的数目是可变的多达100个。请注意,一个工厂= 1染色体。然后计算出该方案的五个最经济的产出的发电机组,满足需求的总成本和染色体的适应度函数。-The programme can be used to calculate the individual generator outputs that will best meet the demand of a power
- 求系统单位给定阶跃响应的性能指标(超调量,峰值时间,调整时间 .....),其中, y,t表示系统节约相应的函数值与其对应时间,函数返回的是阶跃响应的第一(正向)波峰值b1、 阶跃响应的第二(正向)波峰值b2,阶跃响应的超调量sigma,阶跃响应的衰减比n,阶跃响应的衰减率pusi 阶跃响应的衰减震荡周期T,阶跃响应的振荡频率f.-Demand system units for a given step response performance (overshoot, peak ti
- The present work provides the results of a study on the optimization of PV wind system to meet a certain load distribution demand in the city of Bechar (Algeria). The method is applied to the satisfaction of a domestic load demand
- Everyday domestic electricity demand can be shown as a load profile 1 which peaks strongly between 4 and 8 pm. Since most power stations cannot be switched on-line in an instant, energy providers have to be mindful of this peak and keep some foss
- 在AutoCAD捕捉截图。可以让你捕捉到当前文档中指定的绘图领域, 将结果发送到文件或剪贴板。自动创建第一次加载按需加载注册表项。-Capture screenshots in AutoCAD. Allows you to capture the current document specified in the drawing area, send the results to a file or clipboard. Automatically create
- 自己写的基于神经网络的电力负荷预测,文件里面包含了数据,程序完整,可直接运行-load demand forcast
- Adequacy analysis with DG(Wind Turbine) using monte carlo simulation.Average unsupplied load(AUL)is calculated for annual load demand
- An大多数朋友开始接触这个问题是因为 App 爆棚了,方法数超过了一个 Dex 最大方法数 65535 的上限,因而便有了插件化的概念,将一个 App 划分为多个插件(Apk 或相关格式) 常用的其他解决方法还包括:Google Multidex,用 H5 代替部分逻辑,删无用代码,买付费版的 Proguard 当插件化作用不止于此,还包括:(1) 模块解耦,(2) 动态升级,(3) 高效并行开发(编译速度更快) (4) 按需加载,内存占用更低 (
- Standalone PV system must be designed optimally to cover the desired load demand at a defined level of availability. Meanwhile, optimum standalone PV system sizing process is mainly depending on meteorological data such as solar radiation and ambi
- 微电源为光伏发电单元,储能设备是蓄电池作,当光伏电池工作在最大功率点,满足蓄电池和负荷供电的情况下,系统能量仍有剩余时,经过变换器向大电网输送能量;当光伏电池工作在最大功率点、蓄电池工作在最大放电模式仍不能满足负荷需求时,应由交流大电网向直流微电网补充能量。(Micro power supply for the photovoltaic power generation unit, a storage device is a storage battery, when the photovolt
- 假设微电网中有风、光、微型燃气轮机、蓄电池,且已知各时段负荷需求;考虑各机组运行成本、燃料成本、与污染物处理成本。该程序可解决在孤岛运行模式下,各机组出力如何分配才能达到经济最优的问题。(It is assumed that there are wind, light and micro gas turbines and batteries in the microgrid, and the load demand is known at each time period. The operat
- 假设微电网中有风、光、微型燃气轮机、蓄电池,且已知各时段负荷需求;微电网可并网运行,当微网内部发电量较大时,可向电网卖电,而当内部发电不足时,可从大电网购电,价格参考实时电价。考虑各机组运行成本、燃料成本、污染物处理成本、以及买卖电支出或收益。该程序可解决在并网运行模式下,各机组出力如何分配才能达到经济最优的问题。(Suppose there are wind, light, micro gas turbines and batteries in the microgrid, and the l
- 给出了一组合理的负荷需求数据。用于电力系统负荷预测。(A set of reasonable load demand data is given.For power system load forecasting.)
- 微电网能量平衡的基本任务是指在一定的控制策略下,使微电网中的各分布式电源及储能装置的输出功率满足微电网的负荷需求,保证微电网的安全稳定,实现微电网的经济优化运行。(The basic task of micro grid energy balance is to make the output power of each distributed power source and energy storage device in micro grid meet the load demand of
- Optimal reactive power dispatch with uncertainties in load demand and renewable energy sources adopting scenario-based approach