m5310开发板OneNET Demo例程
- 移动物联M5310模块的DEMO例程,对使用M5310模块开发的很有用(The DEMO routine of the mobile M5310 module)
NB-iot SDK包移植文档
- m5310接入移动物联onenet的NB-iot SDK源码,帮助用户更容易接入onenet(M5310 access to the NB-iot SDK source of the mobile onenet, helping users to access onenet more easily)
- 1.该程序是基于中移物联网的M5310模组的Demo移植而来,适用于移远的BC95_B8模组,功能与原程序基本一致,具体配置方法见main.c和bc95_config.h相关注释。 2.为了方便大家使用,去掉了传感器的驱动代码,可根据自己的需要添加传感器驱动代码,将read_callback()和res_update()函数中相应位置替换为你自己的传感器值。(1. The program is based on the demo migration of m5310 module of Chin
- 物联网M5310-A模组通讯与oneNET平台对接测试要具软件(The necessary software for the docking test between Internet of things m5310-a module communication and onenet platform)