- 很好的订餐管理系统.rar 很好的订餐管理系统.rar-good make restaurant management system. Rar g ood make restaurant management system. Rar
- 给定无向量图G顶点和m种不同的颜色。用这些颜色为图G的各顶点着色,每个顶点着一种颜色。是否有一种着色法使G图中每条边的两个顶点着不同的颜色。这个问题是图的m可着色判定问题给定无向量图G顶点和m种不同的颜色。用这些颜色为图G的各顶点着色,每个顶点着一种颜色。是否有一种着色法使G图中每条边的两个顶点着不同的颜色。这个问题是图的m可着色判定问题-given no vector graph G vertices and m different colors. Using these color grap
- AppWizard has created this Test application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what
- 车牌识别系统 需要注意的地方: 使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI) 1)位图信息的数据是从左下往右下为一行,一行一行往上排的。 2)每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳过冗余点。 3)主要数据都存在Doc里面,BMP的主要数据存在一个由ImgData指向的BYTE型的内存空间(根据位图的大小,动态分配的)。 4)数据读进来以后,注意向
- Open 3D GIS Project - Version 0.1 (09/17/2005) 1. SUMMARY The Open 3D GIS is a Open Source project (released under GNU GPL) with the main goal to make a simple way to display 3D objects from a Geodatabase on the Web. visit:
- 对于给定的图G,如果存在一种用2种颜色对顶点着色的 方案,使得图中任意一条边所连接的2 个顶点着有不同 颜色,则称图G 是可2着色的。-for the given graph G, if there is a use two colors of vertex programs, make a map arbitrary edge connected with two vertices are different colors, says G is 2-colored.
- msn連線客戶端1.2 Just a note: I am not going to write out and explain everything that is in the code. This txt file will be an explanation of the Events and Methods in the UserControl. Please do not email me asking me about the protocol. Also, th
- 改变屏幕亮度的程序,对于一些显卡有效,可以改变显示参数Some video cards allows you to programmingly modify the Gamma Ramp values. You can use this feature to change the brightness of the entire screen. The SetDeviceGammaRamp API function receive an array of 256 RGB values. I
- 加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests:
- his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run \"make\" from the console in echomaster and ech
- AJAX Date Picker is a free ASP.NET 2.0 calendar control that utilizes AJAX techniques to get data from the server without an entire page postback. You can specify the clickable dates on a given month as well as other days like holidays, etc. A great
- The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility
- Linux 0.11 代码在不做修改的情况下,很难在现在的环境下这接编译通过(除非你能的到 10 几年前 Linus 用的那个版本的 gcc 什么的)。所以要对代码作少量修改(说说是少量花了好几小时的,主要是一上来不熟 gcc 的内嵌汇编)。比起linux0.01,linux0.11更加完善,更加接近操作系统的要求,内核小有利于学习linux-0.11 Linux code does not modify the circumstances, In the present difficult c
- 调试字符串内容的函数,效果如同ultraedit查看二进制文件 g++ -o a decode.cpp vc直接编译,可能要稍作修改-debug strings a function of results as ultraedit View binary files g-o decode.cpp vc a direct compiler, may have to make some modifications
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 装一整套 gcc-libc libstdc++ gcc-c++ gcc -objc cpp binutil 卸载与2.95.3-8有关的 卸载gcc 卸载gcc-g++ 卸载gcc-chill 卸载gcc-g77 卸载gcc-objc 卸载gcc 卸载 libstdc++-2.95.3-8 批量装gcc rpm -ivh gcc*.rpm 批量装libst
- java--工作流--在网络技术和移动电话严重渗入社会生活各个层面的今天,传统的电信号线业务面临着巨大的压力和挑战,为了能更好地生存和拓宽他的业务,迫切需要及时变革,而基于工作流的方案则是一个很重要的方向。基于Web技术的固定电话装机系统可以借助于遍布全球的Internet进行,使得固定电话业务以流水线的工作原理和效率来实现,并以统一的数据来联系各个部门,减少-java- the workflow- in network technology and a serious infiltratio
- Here is a GPS component for your GPS navigation hobby project.The component was developed using Delphi 5 professional running with Windows XP Pro, Service pack 2. Review my comments in the source code for insight into how it works. The embed
- GNU Make 使用手册,详细讲述了makefile文件的编写规则-GNU Make user datasheet
- 使用fortran编写的AVO属性提取小程序,可以提取P,G,P+G,P*G等多种AVO属性。-Using FORTRAN make the AVO attribute extraction applet, you can extract P, G, P+G, P*G and other AVO attributes.