- 基于matlab开发的一个简单的流形学习的工具箱,附带有使用说明,Matlab developed based on a simple manifold learning kit comes with instructions
- 流形学习算法库,包括主要的流形学习算法。LLE,ISOMAP,LE等算法,Manifold learning algorithm library, including the main manifold learning algorithm. LLE, ISOMAP, LE, such as algorithm
- LLE算法,matlab源码,LLE算法是流形学习算法的一种,LLE algorithm, matlab source, LLE algorithm manifold learning algorithm is a
- 一种很重要的非监督降维方法,是流形学习算法Laplacian Eigenmap 的线性化方法,在人脸识别中效果非常好。,A very important method of unsupervised dimensionality reduction, manifold learning algorithm is Laplacian Eigenmap linearization method is very effective in face recognition.
- 该工具箱中包含了多种降维算法。其中有传统的PCA和Local PCA算法,也有典型的流形学习算法,如Isomap、LLE、HLLE、Laplacian Eigenmaps 和 Local Tangent Space 。-The toolbox contains a variety of dimensionality reduction algorithms. In which the traditional PCA and Local PCA algorithms, there are the
- 一种用于非线性降维的流形学习算法,主要是先考虑用每一点处的局部切空间表示该点处的几何特征,然后都局部切空间进行排列。-A non-linear dimensionality reduction of manifold learning algorithm, mainly to consider every point of the partial cut Department said that the space of the geometric characteristics of poin
- Isomap流形降维算法,包括了一个瑞士卷生成数据,dijk距离算法。-Dimensionality reduction algorithm Isomap manifold, including the formation of a Swiss roll data, dijk distance algorithm.
- 一个Matlab环境下编写的流行学习(manifold)算法,可用于图像特征提取及行为模式提取-Matlab environment to prepare a prevalence study (manifold) algorithm, can be used for image feature extraction and pattern extraction
- We describe and demonstrate an algorithm that takes as input an unorganized set of points fx1 xng IR3 on or near an unknown manifold M, and produces as output a simplicial surface that approximates M. Neither
- 很不错的流形学习算法 包含了MDS PCA ISOMAP LLE等算法-Very good manifold learning algorithm includes the MDS PCA ISOMAP LLE, such as eight kinds of algorithms
- 流形学习程序,Isomap,LLE,LTSA,etc,非线性数据降维-manifold learning, Isomap, LLE, LTSA, etc, nonlinear data dimensionality reduction
- 国际会议上的关于人耳图像识别的论文:Multi-view Ear Recognition Based on B-Spline Pose Manifold Construction -Multi-view Ear Recognition Based on B-Spline Pose Manifold Construction
- 一种流形学习算法,用于非线性降维,文章发表在2000年science杂志上,是一种非常经典的算法。-A manifold learning algorithm for nonlinear dimensionality reduction, articles published in science journal in 2000, is a very classic algorithms.
- 流形学习算法lle的线性化方法,是一种非监督的降维方法,比lle的优势在于可以将新的样本点映射到低维空间。-Lle manifold learning algorithm of the linearization method, is a non-supervised dimensionality reduction method has the advantage of being more than lle can sample the new point is mapped to the
- 一种流形学习算法,改正了Isomap不能对非凸流形进行降维的不足,是一种局部等距的降维方法。-A manifold learning algorithm, Isomap can not be corrected for non-convex manifolds for the lack of dimensionality reduction is a partial isometric method of dimensionality reduction.
- 流形学习算法LTSA的线性化方法,在基因分类聚类中得到了应用,可以将新样本线性地投射到低维空间。-LTSA manifold learning algorithm of the linearization method, clustering in gene classification has been applied to new samples can be projected onto the linear and low-dimensional space.
- BMyCrust take as input a 3D scatter points cloud and return a tight, manifold, triangulation. Remember that crust algorithm needs a cloud representing a volume, so open surface may give inaccurate results. For example : a plane can not be triang
- manifold learning of none linear dimensionality reduction in matlab
Sparse Lab 200-Core
- 基于多帧图像插值(Interpolation)技术的方法是SR恢复技术当中最直观 的方法。这类方法首先估计各帧图像之间的相对运动信息,获得HR图像在非均 匀间距采样点上的象素值,接着通过非均匀插值得到HR栅格上的象素值,最后 采用图像恢复技术来去除模糊和降低噪声(运动估计!非均匀插值!去模糊和 噪声)。-In this paper, we propose a novel method for solv- ing single-image super-resoluti
- 基于Matlab开发的几种流形学习代码,能运行。有一定的文字说明(Based on matlab manifold learning)