- Terrain Edit Tool To load a terrain you need to use the .ox3 look the sample in [TerrainLoad] folder. But you have two chose with the texture you can add a glmateriallib to your form and load the saved texture manualy with your setting.
- 本程序中加入了几乎所有的OPENGl中的常用技巧及方法,具体有光照,材质,旋转,平移,纹理,球的实现方法-the process of accession to the OPENGl almost all of the commonly used techniques and methods specific light, material, rotation, translation, texture, the method ball
- 一个DirexX加载材质的程序,程序显示了一个箱子,并且可以转动视角.-a DirexX loading material from the procedure is an indication of a box, as well as rotational angle.
- directx的循序渐近编程,从简单的绘制基本的几何图形到光照、材质、纹理、模型等编程。-DirectX the orderly and gradual program, from simple geometric shapes drawn to the basic light, material, texture, Programming model.
- 很基础的,适合初学者. 包含背景简介 一个简单的例子使用颜色 坐标变换 堆栈操作 显示例表使用光照和材质纹理映射 特殊效果操作 曲面和曲线NURBS曲线和曲面 二次几何体像素操作 动画制作菜单管理-very foundation. for beginners. Background briefings included a simple example using color coordinate transformation stack operating table shows ca
- OpenGL多纹理贴图代码。 通过多纹理贴图,OpenGL可以表现更多图像显示特效,增强物体的材质感。 OpenGL Multi-texture sourcecode. By using multi-texture mapping, more 3D image effect can be got.-more OpenGL texture mapping code. Through a multi-texture mapping, OpenGL performance can be mor
- Water is a small mini project inspired by a post in my message forum. The post was talking about whether or not it would be possible to create a water effect by modifying the waving flag tutorial. I stripped the flag of it s texture, put stars in the
- opengl的材质应用的小程须-opengl application of the material to be small way
- Textmode Texture Mapping,Plasma, and 3D,Textmode Texture Mapping,Plasma, and 3D
- 用OpenGL设置光源、材质,并对参数化的曲面用图像做纹理映射-Set OpenGL light source, material, and parameters of surface texture mapping images do
- 基于C实现的采样复制的纹理图像修复方法。可去除遮罩物 -C based on the realization of the sample copy of the texture image restoration method. Mask material can be removed
- 仿QQ连连看单机版源码放出(附完整开发文档)。 本程序是使用著名的开源2D图形加速引擎HGE开发。 文档拥有详尽注释,包括每个文件的每个类、函数和变量。包括寻路算法等。 素材(纹理、音效)都是QQ连连看里的,仅供大家学习用。 附:右边栏的道具重列和提示可以无限次使用。-QQ Lianliankan stand-alone imitation source release (with full developer documentation). This procedure is
- 光照和材质模型,利用OpenGL在VC++中编写-Light and texture models, the use of OpenGL in VC++ In the preparation of
- 采用VC++6.0和OpenGL结合编程的方法,达到改变三维物体材质的效果-Using VC++6.0 and OpenGL programming approach combining to change the effect of three-dimensional material objects
- Android下基于OpenGL ES技术的三维Tunnel绘制功能,比较好的显示tunnel模型,具有基本的纹理贴图功能。-Android Based on OpenGL ES technology, 3D Tunnel rendering capabilities, and better display tunnel model with a basic texture mapping capabilities.
- 控制台实现,vtk的加载材质、贴图功能。-Console to achieve, vtk loading material, mapping function.
- 三维模型中关于各种质感效果模拟,仿真的程序,在DIRECT9环境下编译- varible texture effects Models
- opengl编写的一个场景,其中囊括了许多功能和特点,如光照、材质、纹理、深度缓存、模板缓存、交互等等。-opengl prepared a scene which encompasses many functions and features, such as light, material, texture, depth buffer, stencil buffer, interactive and so on.
- 基于OpenGL的推箱子游戏,简单的Obj模型导入,基本材质纹理显示,场景漫游,碰撞检测,光照模型,基本体素,基本几何变换...(Based on the OpenGL box game, simple Obj model import, the basic material texture display, scene roaming, collision detection, illumination model, basic voxel, the basic geometry transf
- 材料领域中,在二次开发过后,利用MATLAB来编程画出材料织构图(to draw texture plot in which data get from secondary development using matlab)