- 一个很好的背诵单词的工具,可以自动计算时间,里面含有大量单词库。-a good tool to memorize words, it will automatically calculate time, it contains a large number of words for.
- 我收集的网上的英语经典句子的背诵 对学习英语很有好处-online collection of English phrases to memorize classical learning English is very good
- 本人用java写的记数游戏,下载完后将后缀改为JAR,就可以运行了(安装JDK1.5)。-I used to write java games to memorize numbers, will be downloaded after the suffix to JAR, it can run the (installation JDK1.5).
- 一般常用的英语背诵软件都是以单词为主,不能很好的理解英语句子的结构,而\"英语句子通\"能帮你实现整句的背诵,而且有整句的即时语音,中国人学英语往往注重背单词,而忽略了句子,往往达不到说一口流利英语的效, \"英语句子通\"的出现弥补了这个空白。 附了NewConcept第一册的部分句子(mdb数据库形式,不加密),可以自己添加。 软件要求:window系列平台,微软语音引擎(如装了金山词霸就可以了) 需vb6运行库,ado引擎。 注:附全部vb源代码!!! -commonly used sof
- 编写一个延时1MS子程序根据题目选择是定时还是记数状态,本题选择记数状态。然后根据延时1MS计算出计时器的初值是E0H(高8位)18H(低5位)。最后编写算法,对T0初始化,利用T0的中断TF0调用中断处理程序。-prepared a delay rungs subroutine under the topic chosen is not a time to memorize numbers or state of mind of the few options that state. Acco
- 用Qt4 phonon实现的一个多媒体播放器,支持播放器基本操作功能,以及双击全屏,播放列表,播放器窗口大小记忆,文件拖拽。当播放的是音频文件时,显示music player界面,当播放的是视频文件时显示vedio player界面。-This is media player based on Qt4 phonon framwork. It includes the basic functionalities of media player. And all so support double
- (繁体中文版)台湾出品不得多得的关于spa dpa 旁道攻击rsa算法的精彩论文。相对国内的一些翻译性质的、粗制滥造的论文,简直是一个天上一个地下。-As information technology has developed rapidly, it provides more convenient life for people. As the result, the security has become the main concern. Recently, user id and pa
- C in A Nutshell Learning a language--any language--involves a process wherein you learn to rely less and less on instruction and more increasingly on the aspects of the language you ve mastered. Whether you re learning French, Java, or C, at some p
- 记录weblog的强大程序,可移植性强,具体自己研究-memorize the weblog,a very good program
- 智能提示是一个程序员最好的朋友。当框架太大难于记忆背诵,智能提示可以方便的管理要找到的东西。该程序可以将您自己的代码和XML的评论通过智能提示扩展到在Visual Studio 8和9中 。-Intellisense is a programmer' s best friend. The framework is too big to memorize, but Intellisense can make finding things manageable. Extend Intellis
- symbian手机开发熟记书籍,描述活动对象的原理;-symbian development memorize phone books, described the principle of active objects
- 論文探討關於以圖像做為密碼,以杜絕鍵盤側錄偷竊密碼-We have design and implemented a method that uses a strengthened cryptographic hash function to compute fast and secure passwords for arbitrarily many accounts while requiring the user to memorize only few memorable po
- C++环境的翻牌小游戏 对初学者有很大帮助-C++ environment flop game of great help for beginners
- 背单词的小软件 可以根据自己的词库背诵单词,翻译文档和测试 -Recite word software Can memorize the word according to their own vocabulary, translate documents and test
- 总结SQLserver的知识点 便于背诵和记忆-Summary SQLserver' s easy to memorize and remember knowledge points
- GUI 为Graphics User Interface 的简写即图形用户界面这是用于提高人机交互友好 性易操作性的计算机程序它是建立在计算机图形学基础上的产物图形用户界面是当今 计算机技术的重大成就之一它极大地方便了非专业用户的使用人们不再需要死记硬背大 量的命令而是通过窗口菜单方便地进行操作-GUI-Graphics User Interface of the shorthand that the graphical user interface which is used to
- GUI 为Graphics User Interface 的简写即图形用户界面这是用于提高人机交互友好 性易操作性的计算机程序它是建立在计算机图形学基础上的产物图形用户界面是当今 计算机技术的重大成就之一它极大地方便了非专业用户的使用人们不再需要死记硬背大 量的命令而是通过窗口菜单方便地进行操作-GUI-Graphics User Interface of the shorthand that the graphical user interface which is used to
- An 12F675 RGB controler with GP0, GP1 , GP2 - RGB led outs , buton on GP3 , RC extern oscilator with 4,7K resistor on GP5 to +5Vcc. The controler memorize last program used. It has 10 program effect, 7 static color and 3 dinamic color.-An 12F675
- 背熟这篇文章,就能脱离鼠标,本文帮助你实现用键盘操作的功能-Memorize this article, you can out of the mouse, to help you achieve this functionality with the keyboard
- 该系统是帮助学生背诵单词的软件,要求用户可以选择背诵的词库,并可以编辑自己的词库,系统可以给出中文,让学生输入其英文意思,也可输出英文让学生输入中文意思。并判定词义是否正确。如不正确给出提示并要求用户重新输入。如正确给以鼓励。还应有词语预览功能。-The system is to help students memorize the words of the software requires the user can choose to memorize the vocabulary, and