- microeconomics slides
- Prices are of great importance in macroeconomics as indeed they are in microeconomics. However, in microeconomics we are more interested in prices of individual goods and services and such prices are rarely important for the economy as a whole al
- Economics is often defined as something along the lines of “the study of how society manages its scarce resources.” The starting point of most such studies is that individuals allocate their resources such that they themselves will get the highes
Microeconomics_4 - Besanko.pdf
- Microeconomics Besanko
- 随着蜂窝移动通信市场的巨大发展,下一代通信将是移动多媒体通信。 这种情况产生了一个问题,如何对语音信源以外的多媒体信源进行功率控制。 在探讨这个问题上,我们引入微观经济学中的数学模型和概念以及博弈论理论。 在本文中,电话的通话质量被称为“效度”,对于一个CDMA电话通信的分布式功率控制被看作是一个‘非协作的博弈。(With the great development of cellular mobile communication market, the next generation c