- 小波变换源代码 wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are de
- This class loads a texture file and prepares it to be used in OpenGL. It can open a bitmap or a targa file. The min filter is set to mipmap b/c they look better and the performance cost on modern video cards in negligible. -This class loads a fi
- wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are de
- 此设计以单片机STC89C51为核心,由声音传感器采集脉搏信号,经过LM324前置放大电路、滤波电路和比较电路后得到与脉搏相关的脉冲信号,将该脉冲信号作为定时/计数器T1中断信号交由单片机进行脉冲周期的计算,T0做定时器。然后得出每分钟的脉搏搏动次数(即心率),并将结果1602LCD上显示心率。在对人体脉搏检测时,具有检错排错的功能。若出现误操作(如不小心移动时产生的噪声)造成检测到的心跳次数不正确的结果,所以在程序中检测时间到达第5秒时,先对其进行计算,若结果超出正常范围则自动返回重新检测,直
- Guleryuz写的一个完整的小波变换的源代码。主要包括:wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and the
- verilog编写的基于并行流水线结构的16阶滤波器的实现-filter
- 在图像利用M*N的窗 运行2维最大滤波器 在图像利用M*N的窗 运行2维最小滤波器 -performs two-dimensional maximum filtering on the image X using an M-by-N window. performs the 1D max/min filtering of the row vector X using a N-length filter. performs two-dimensional minimum filtering
- 最大最小滤波程序,实现效果很好,用matlab实现,简单好用-max-min filter
- bmp图像数字处理;图像信息的统计:直方图,最大最小灰度,熵,方差,平均灰度;灰度变换:分段线性变换,阈值,直方图的均衡化;中值滤波(加噪声),梯度算子;数字卷积,增加一个过滤类;几何变换:旋转,几何校正 -bmp image digital processing image information of the statistics: histogram, max-min gray, entropy, variance, average gray gray-scale transfor
- mean filter 6 type :: Arithmatic mean, Geometic mean, Harmonic mean, contraharmonic mean, median, max-min
- Min/Max filter,最大最小滤波器,说明看英文,只是国外的人写的代码, -Descr iption The filter computes the minima and/or maxima of an array over sliding window with a given size. Multidimensional array is fully supported: running filter in 1D, 2D filter for image process
- This an algorithm implementing the concept of min, max filters. First, it give the result of applying min filter, then max filter and then finally min-max filter combined. Important component of Image processing.
- 我的程序是在VS2010环境下,通过MFC框架实现的 运行程序步骤:首先找到可执行文件:31009054 窦小敏\StreamAnalysis\Debug\StreamAnalysis.exe 点击StreamAnalysis.exe会出现一个“流量分析”的框架,将要分析的包引入进来,框架右下角有个“分析”按钮,点击将出 现分析结果 我的程序实现的内容是:只保留了TCP和UDP数据包,其它的包全部滤掉,并且计算了UDP和TCP的数量,通过饼图分别得到UDP和TCP占的比例。-My
- arithmetic mean filter,geometric mean filter,harmonic mean filtercontra-harmonic mean (Q=-ve),contra-harmonic mean (Q=+ve),median filter,max filter,min filter,mid point filter and alpha-trimmed filters are applied for erlang noise image-arithmetic me
- arithmetic mean filter,geometric mean filter,harmonic mean filtercontra-harmonic mean (Q=-ve),contra-harmonic mean (Q=+ve),median filter,max filter,min filter,mid point filter and alpha-trimmed filters are applied for exponential noise image-arithmet
- arithmetic mean filter,geometric mean filter,harmonic mean filtercontra-harmonic mean (Q=-ve),contra-harmonic mean (Q=+ve),median filter,max filter,min filter,mid point filter and alpha-trimmed filters are applied for gausian noise image-arithmetic m
- arithmetic mean filter,geometric mean filter,harmonic mean filtercontra-harmonic mean (Q=-ve),contra-harmonic mean (Q=+ve),median filter,max filter,min filter,mid point filter and alpha-trimmed filters are applied for ralye noise image-arithmetic mea
- 图像的最大值和最小值滤波,利用opencv实现-The image of the maximum and minimum value filtering, the use of opencv realization
- denoising filters such as Average, Median, Gaussian, Wiener, Min-order-statistic, Maxorder-statistic and Median-order-statistic are used. Based on the images obtained by the mentioned filters, it is become obvious clear that for the given noisy im
- Max & Min Filter on noisy images in MATLAB