- The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering is a book on software project management by Fred Brooks, whose central theme is that \"Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.\"-The Mythical Man-Month : Essays on Software Eng
- 编写一程序,将从键盘输入的每个月份数(整数)显 示出其对应的英文,直至输入0结束,注意对非法 数据的处理。-The development of a procedure, from the keyboard input of the shares of each month (integer) shows that their counterparts in English, until the end of input 0, pay attention to the illegal
- 人月神话。经典的不朽著作。 20周年纪念版,英文原版。-The Mythical Man-Month. Immortal classic works. 20th anniversary edition of the original English edition.
- 人月神话,软件工程领域的经典书籍,让你由浅入深的理解软件工程中的的各种问题。-The Mythical Man Month, software engineering classic books, allows you to shallower to the deeper understanding of software engineering in a variety of issues.
- number of days in month
- 中文译名 人月神话,本电子书是中文版的,是软件项目管理和过程改进的经典书籍。-Chinese translation Mythical Man-Month, this book is the Chinese version, is software project management and process improvement of the classic books.
- 《人月神话》中文版,被《财富》评为CEO必读技术书,很有内涵,出版了二十多年依然畅销,印数超过五百万册,值得精读细读-" The Mythical Man Month," the Chinese version, by " wealth" as CEO must-read technical books, very content, the publication of 20 years, is still popular, printed in more t
- 能够设定年、月、日;时、分、秒、毫秒;并且可以设定准时的时间,可以精确到毫秒;当设定时间到后自动闹铃,同时设计显示时间的代码。-Be able to set year, month, day hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and can set the time period can be accurate to milliseconds When the time is automatically set the alarm, while d
- 人月神话:Frederick P. Brooks,Jr.是北卡罗来纳大学 Kenan-Flagler 商学院的计算机科学教授,北卡来罗来纳大学位于美国北卡来罗来纳州的查布尔希尔。-The_Mythical_Man-Month
- 《人月神话》,软件工程领域的经典著作。希望能给正在学习软件工程领域相关知识的人提供帮助。-THE MYTHICAL MAN-MONTH
- 人月神话中文版,软件工程经典书籍,一本不可多得的好书-Chinese Mythical Man-Month, software engineering classic books, a rare books
- 人月神话,一本写的很好的关于软件工程的书籍,书中主要谢了项目经理应该如何更好的安排人员,更好的把项目做好。-Mythical Man-Month, a well written books on software engineering, the book mainly thanks to better project managers how to arrange, the better the project well.
- 人月神话,软件工程经典的书籍。作者为人们管理复杂项目提供了颇具洞察力的见解。-Mythical Man-Month, software engineering classic books. Management of complex projects for people to provide a considerable insight into the views.
- The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.著 最著名的软件工程管理和设计方面的论文 英文原版,中文译名:人月神话-The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
- 关于软件项目管理的一本好书---人月神话。 对于软件项目中出现的各种问题,有很好的解释和说明。-Software project management on a good book--- Mythical Man-Month. For software problems arising in the project, have a good explanation and descr iption.
- 人月神话 经典版 Mythical Man-Month Classic 软件工程经典理论-Mythical Man-Month Classic
- 一个月挑战C ++ 对于想快速入门 学习C++有很大的帮助-C++ for one month challenge to quick start learning C++ is very helpful
- 人月神话》-软件工程经典必读 本书读者包括:软件开发人员、软件项目经理、系统分析师等IT从业者。 特别提示:现在网上很多下载这个书的,但是那些PDF大多是04年某个人做的,当时的PDF编码格式和现在不太一样,04年做的PDF放到电脑上还好,但是放到移动设备上就出问题了,这是我亲身体验,放到iphone上和android上都是乱码 为此,我专门把这本书重新做了一遍,采用新的编码格式,移动设备阅读不乱码!-Mythical Man-Month " - reading
- 《人月神话》作者为人们管理复杂项目提供了颇具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,也有大量的软件工程实践。-" Mythical Man-Month" for people to manage complex projects the author provides a rather insightful, thought-provoking point of view of both a lot, there are a large number of software en
- 《人月神话》软件工程方面的经典书籍,帮助提高控制大规模软件项目的能力。这本是20周年的再版。有很多更新。-" Mythical Man-Month" software engineering classic books to help improve the ability to control large-scale software projects. This is the 20th anniversary edition. There are many updates.