- esp8266创建mqtt任务,连接mqtt云服务器,接收(订阅)和发送(发布)消息 1、本例中用的是官方ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-1.4.x版本的SDK。 2、本例中有smartconfig功能,可通过GPIO或者uart命令触发。 3、可在user_config.h文件中修改mqtt服务器和用户信息。
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK - mqtt
- ESP8266搭建MQTT客户端源码,可以连接MQTT云平台,并实现消息的推送与接收。(ESP8266 build MQTT client source code, you can connect to the MQTT cloud platform, and to achieve the push and receive messages.)
- 基于MQTT协议下对发布和订阅方式进行更改和使用。(Change and use the release and subscr iption methods based on the MQTT protocol.)
- 百度天工物联网云平台功能说明文档,基于mqtt可以实现快速设备接入(Baidu, the Internet platform function descr iption document, based on mqtt can achieve fast device access)
- 可以用于连接阿里云物联网平台,只需要在头文件中将参数修改成自己的参数就能用了(It can be used to connect to the Aliyun Internet of Things platform by simply modifying the parameters to your own in the header file)
IoT云 MQTT两路开关控制+数据采集(Qs0)
- 该文件是物联网的上位机,用于物联网开发,连接下位机的上位机。(Development of Internet of Things)
阿里云IoTBC26使用MQTT方式接入Link Develop V0.1
- 阿里云IoTBC26使用 MQTT方式接入Link Develop V0.1(Aliyun IoTBC26 accesses Link Develop V0.1 using MQTT)
- 基于STM32和W5500 的阿里云平台MQTT连接,内置了HMAC-SHA1算法,可以直接填写阿里云物联网平台的三个参数,程序直接生成域名、账户名、密码以及Topic。软件还包含基于Cjson的json构建与解析。(Based on STM32 and W5500, the MQTT connection of Aliyun platform is built-in with HMAC-SHA1 algorithm, which can fill in three parameters of
- 通过MQTT协议连接阿里云,将温湿度数据上传至阿里云平台。(Connect to Alibaba cloud through mqtt protocol and upload the temperature and humidity data to Alibaba cloud platform.)
- 阿里云物联网平台设备端MQTT密码生成工具
- 传输物联网数据。MQTT协议传输温湿度传感器数据到阿里云物联网平台(Transfer Internet of things data.)
YeeCOM DTU aliyun os 3.9
- 使用移讯通YeeCOM DTU设备接入阿里云联网云平台说明(基于MQTT协议), 非常简单易用方便可靠(Instructions for using yeecom DTU device to access Alibaba cloud networking cloud platform (based on mqtt protocol), Very simple, easy to use, convenient and reliable)
STM32 W5500_阿里云MQTT
- stm32 w5500 mqtt 连接阿里云物联网服务器(Stm32 w5500 mqtt connects to Alibaba cloud Internet of things server)
- 通过m5311nbiot模块上传温湿度信息到指定服务器,可根据教程修改为连接onenet云平台。(Upload temperature and humidity information to the designated server through the m5311nbiot module, which can be modified to connect to the onenet cloud platform according to the tutorial.)
阿里云IoT物联网平台 MQTT 2路开关+2路数据
- 采用阿里云物联网平台MQTT协议实现温湿度数据采集(Alibaba cloud mqtt protocol data collection)
- 合宙4G模块的联网步骤,包括TCP链接和MQTT链接阿里云(hezhou connect computers)