- 这本书是在滤波器组方面有非常深入研究的P.P.Vaidyannathan的经典著作,对多采样率系统和滤波器组又非常详细的描述,非常经典,做多载波通信和滤波器组的同学不要错过了。-This book is written by P.P.Vaidyannathan who has a very in-depth study about filter banks, this book gives an very detailed descr iption about multirate system
- P. Vaidyanathan关于Multirate filter banks的一篇论文,是multirate systems and filter banks这本DSP圣经的一个缩影,感兴趣可以看一下!-The practical side is not the focus. The large number of examples and figures make it easy to follow (reading it from cover to cover is not