- In particular, ARGS is a demonstration of the NARGIN function, which counts command line arguments and the VARARGIN function, which allows the user to specify that a routine has a variable number of input arguments. -In particular, ARGS is a demonstr
- 1. 如果matlab有两个函数nargin和nargout,分别返回matlab函数的输入和输出参数的个数。如果采用元组变量varargin和varargout来替代常规的输入和输出参数,则函数就可以接收数目可变的输入和输出参数。-1. If there are two matlab functions nargin and nargout, respectively matlab function back to the input and output parameters of the
- 关于边缘检测的一个c++程序,较为经典,可以借鉴-It about a program of nargin using c++
- function nntest6(action,flag) NNTEST6 View and Control Neural network. See also SIMUFF. Koos j. den Oudsten, 1-20-99 koos@phil.uu.nl Copyright (c) 1998-99 by KoosSoft vof $Revision: 0.4 $ $Date: 1999/01/27 22:29:28 $
- function matrix=asciiRead(fileName) asciiRead: Read an ascii file into a matrix Usage: matrix=asciiRead(fileName) Roger Jang, 20041021 if nargin<1, selfdemo return end fid=fopen(fileName, rb ) content=fread(fid, inf, cha
- function matrix=asciiRead(fileName) asciiRead: Read an ascii file into a matrix Usage: matrix=asciiRead(fileName) Roger Jang, 20041021 if nargin<1, selfdemo return end fid=fopen(fileName, rb ) content=fread(fid, inf, cha
- function matrix=asciiRead(fileName) asciiRead: Read an ascii file into a matrix Usage: matrix=asciiRead(fileName) Roger Jang, 20041021 if nargin<1, selfdemo return end fid=fopen(fileName, rb ) content=fread(fid, inf, cha
- function matrix=asciiRead(fileName) asciiRead: Read an ascii file into a matrix Usage: matrix=asciiRead(fileName) Roger Jang, 20041021 if nargin<1, selfdemo return end fid=fopen(fileName, rb ) content=fread(fid, inf, cha
- 主要用于matlab中的一些基本方法的介绍 以一些功能简介,适合初学matlab用户-used for matlab
- ARGS is a MATLAB program which demonstrates command line argument retrieval.In particular, ARGS is a demonstration of the NARGIN function, which counts command line arguments and the VARARGIN function, which allows the user to specify that a routine
- this code calculate the euclidian distance. h = waitbar(0, Distance Computation ) switch nargin case 1-this code calculate the euclidian distance. h = waitbar(0, Distance Computation ) switch nargin case 1
- function [t_fismat, t_error, stepsize, c_fismat, c_error] ... = anfis(trn_data, in_fismat, t_opt, d_opt, chk_data, method) ANFIS Training routine for Sugeno-type FIS (MEX only). if nargin > 6 & nargin < 1, error( Too many or too f
- function main() clc; clear all; f = @(x)log(x+sin(x)); % 测试函数 df = @(x)(1+cos(x))/(x+sin(x)); % 导数函数 x0 = 0.1; % 迭代初值 x = TestNewton(f, df, x0) % 牛顿法求解 function x = TestNewton(fname, dfname, x0, e, N) % 用途:Newton迭代法解非线性方程f(x)=0 % fname和df
- function [out1,out2] = humps(x) HUMPS A function used by QUADDEMO, ZERODEMO and FPLOTDEMO. Y = HUMPS(X) is a function with strong maxima near x = .3 and x = .9. [X,Y] = HUMPS(X) also returns X. With no input arguments, HUMPS uses X
- function varargout = K_means(varargin) % K_MEANS M-file for K_means.fig % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...