- 在网络仿真NS中对延时分析,丢包率分析,延时抖动分析,网络吞吐量分析等给出了可行性算法,直接就能用,对学NS2的人很有用的-Network simulation in NS for latency analysis, analysis of packet loss rate, delay jitter analysis, network throughput analysis give a feasibility algorithm, can be used directly on people
- 在ns模拟结束后利用其自带的AWK工具分析所得TRACE文件所用的脚本文档 可分析吞吐量 丢包数目等数据 并生成相应文档输出-Ns simulation at the end of use of its own analysis of the TRACE instrument AWK paper documents can be used in scr ipt analysis of the number of data throughput of packet loss and generat
- Aodv for NS-2. A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected wirelessly. MANET may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet.
- 部分关于NS的吞吐量研究的代码,可以参考-Throughput on the NS part of the research code, can refer to
- ns tool throughput measurementprogram
- collection of awk scr ipt use to measure and calculate end-to-end delay, average delay, jitter, throughput-collection of awk scr ipt use to measure and calculate end-to-end delay, average delay, jitter, throughput..
- Simple NS Tutorial, this presentation contains a simple tutorial for ns2 beginners
- 用于测量在ns平台下时间段内(非全部仿真时间)的吞吐量。-it is used to measure the throughput in part of time
- 在网络仿真NS中对延时分析,丢包率分析,延时抖动分析,吞吐量分析的脚本,很实用。-NS in the network simulation analysis of delay, packet loss rate analysis, delay jitter analysis, throughput analysis of the scr ipt, very useful.
- 主要是NS2的学习过程中相应代码进行了编写,包括对NS2中自带的ping协议进行了修改,使其直接存放在NS的目录下,并在更改协议名字的条件下,可以正常运行,经过调试,最后通过,出现nam;包括对例子程序进行了更改以便成功调试和同时对其进行了注释;包括吞吐量的分析的文件。-NS2 in the learning process is mainly the corresponding code has been written, including the native NS2 ping proto
- 路由层的无线分析脚本,对时延、吞吐量等进行测试,对学习NS的同学有很好的参考价值-Wireless routing layer analysis scr ipt for delay, throughput test, NS students to learn a very good reference value
- awk file for throughput calculation
- In today’s most of the Adhoc networks needs the reliable connection to transfer the data. Most number of data packets loss is experienced in the Adhoc networks due to Transfer control protocol(TCP)’s high channel error rate and link failur
- the awk file calculates throughput of ns-2 based trace files generated successfully by ns-2 simulations. calculation of throughput is very basic metric to compare and evaluate.
- ns环境下,测延迟、抖动、丢包率和吞吐量的脚本源码-ns environment, measured delay, jitter, packet loss rate and throughput scr ipt source
- 一个ns中的分析程序,可以分析大部分网络仿真的吞吐量和延迟性能并画图表示-Ns in the analysis of a program that can analyze most network simulation throughput and delay performance and drawing representation
- ns 2 graph generation for delay throughput
- ns2_zigbee === ==== Performance evaluation of Zigbee based on NS2 This repositories includes the codes of my undergraduate thesis. 1. zigbee.scn: network topology in 3D 2. zigbee.tcl: network scr ipt written in tcl
- NS中通过trace文件得出吞吐量的相关文件-NS relevant documents drawn throughput through trace file
- We propose a new analytic model of the IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA which throughput and energy consumption are computed in saturation conditions. The analytic results are validated via ns-2 simulations.