- 本软件实现了示波器,信号发生器,频率计,万用表的功能,在音频范围内可完全替代上述仪器。这并不是仿真软件,而是实用的工具,这些虚拟仪器可以很好的工作。最简单的应用只需要两根电缆,一根输入,一根输出。-of the software oscilloscope, signal generator, frequency meter, multimeter functions, within the audio can entirely replace this equipment. This is no
- 对读入的某个文本文件input.txt中,拆出英文单词,输出一个按字典顺序排列的单词表,结果输出在文本文件output.txt中,每个单词一行,并在单词后输出该单词出现的个数,两个字段之间用逗号分隔。约定单词仅由英文字母组成,单词间由非英文字母分隔,相同单词只输出一个,大小写不区分。 利用二叉树实现-the right time to a text file input.txt, divestment English words, Output by an order of the dict
- 声卡是个人电脑中不可缺少的一部分,同时也是一个很好的A/D,D/A卡,本软件充分利用了这一功能。本软件实现了示波器,信号发生器,频率计,万用表的功能,在音频范围内可完全替代上述仪器。这并不是仿真软件,而是实用的工具,这些虚拟仪器可以很好的工作。最简单的应用只需要两根电缆,一根输入,一根输出。-PC sound card is an indispensable part, it is also a good A / D, D / A card. The software makes full us
Capture DOS Output
- 一个可以运行DOS程序(正确的说法应该是Windows下的控制台程序)并且捕捉程序输出的源程序-one can run DOS (The correct statement should be Windows console procedures) and procedures for capturing output of the source
- Ex4-22 单射函数问题 « 问题描述: 设函数f将点集S = {0,1, , n -1}映射为f (S) = { f (i) | iÎ S} Í S 。单射函数问题要 从S中选取最大子集X Í S 使f (X )是单射函数。 例如,当n=7, f (S) = {1,0,0,2,2,3,6} Í S 时, X = {0,1,6} Í S 是所求的最大子集。 « 编程任务: 对于给
list 创建链表,遍历一次输出
- 创建链表,遍历一次输出,然后分字母,数字,其他字符分别创建链表,分别输出。-Create a linked list, traversing one output, and then sub-letters, numbers, other characters were created linked list, respectively, output.
- The leave-one-out cross-validation scheme is a method for estimating % the average generalization error. When calling % [Eloo,H] = loo(NetDef,W1,W2,PHI,Y,trparms) with trparms(1)>0, the network % will be retrained a maximum of trparms(1) itera
- 单词处理 对读入的某个文本文件input.txt中,拆出英文单词,输出一个按字典顺序排列的单词表,结果输出在文本文件output.txt中,每个单词一行,并在单词后输出该单词出现的个数,两个字段之间用逗号分隔。约定单词仅由英文字母组成,单词间由非英文字母分隔,相同单词只输出一个,大小写不区分。-Word processing to read in a text file. input txt, remove the word of english dictionary and an output
- 人工神经网络算法的实现,bp神经网络,二输入,一输出-Artificial neural network algorithm, bp neural network, two input, one output
- k-step ahead predictions determined by simulation of the % one-step ahead neural network predictor. For NNARMAX % models the residuals are set to zero when calculating the % predictions. The predictions are compared to the observed output. %
- ASK function, this is a block that has three input and one output. the input are the two carrier that have different amplitute, and the digital signal representing the information or data to be modulated.
- full wave rectifierDuring the period from 伪 to 蟺, the input voltage vs input current is are positive and the power flows from supply to the load. The converter is said to be operated at rectification mode .During the period from 蟺 to 蟺+伪 , the input
- PWM控制就是产生一定周期,占空比不同的方波信号,当占空比较大时,电机转速较高,否则电机转速较低。当采用FPGA产生PWM波形时,只需FPGA内部资源就可以实现,数字比较器的一端接设定值输出,另一端接线性递增计数器输出。当线性计数器的计数值小于设定值时输出低电平,当计数器大于设定值时输出高电平,这样就可通过改变设定值,产生占空比不同的方波信号,从而达到控制直流电机转速的目的。 直流电机控制电路主要由2部分组成,如图1所示: FPGA中PWM脉宽调制信号产生电路; &
- 这个程序对快速实现模糊逻辑控制很有用。假设这个逻辑控制有两个输入和一个输出,用各种选择来实现它。-This procedure is the rapid realization of the usefulness of fuzzy logic control. Assuming that there are two logic control inputs and one output, with various options to achieve it.
- Visual C++ 6.0 Workspace & makefiles for PortAudio (Static Libraries). 2 configurations, one using DirectSound (DS) and one using WMME. Libraries are output to the Lib folder.
- 设计一个四路抢答器。抢答器必须具有互锁功能,同时抢答时每次只能有一个输出有效。同时,抢答时具有计时功能,限定选手的答题时间,在接近规定时间时进行提示,达到规定时间发出终止音。主持人可控制加分或减分。-Answer to design a four-way device. Answer must have interlocking features, Answer at the same time when there can be only one output per effective. A
- acm算法设计: 描述: 国际象棋车可以水平或垂直的任何方在同一行或同一列的棋盘。 找到一些最短路径的一个车可以从一个角落里一个棋盘的斜对面角落。 输入: 一整数n为行数和列的棋盘。0 < n <=16 输出: 数量的最短路径。 例输入: 3或4 例输出: 6或20 -Descr iption: A chess rook can move horizontally or vertically to any square in th
- 安捷伦直流电源E3649,可以通过程控,输出相应电压电流,CC,cv,模式可供选择;-Agilent E3649 dc power supply, which can be programmed through, the output voltage and current, corresponding CC, CV, and patterns to choose from
pso-svm one output
- 实现多输入单输出的预测功能,预测精度高,程序操作简单,易于修改应用。(The prediction function of multi input and single output is realized. The prediction accuracy is high, the program operation is simple, and it is easy to modify the application.)
pso-svm one output
- The pso-svm program implements multi-input single output