- ZFXC是一款比较出名的3D游戏引擎。使用lua为脚本语言。图形模块用OpenGL和Direct3D开发实现跨平台。总之这个引擎很不错值得研究。-ZFXC is a relatively well-known 3D game engine. The use scr ipting language for the song. Graphics with OpenGL and Direct3D to achieve cross-platform development. In short, the
- The OpenGL Shading Language, a high-level procedural shading language for OpenGL, is the most important new development in graphics programming to emerge in years. OpenGL is the leading cross-platform 3D-graphics API, and the OpenGL Shading Language
- Open-source, cross-platform 3D rendering engine for .NET. The Axiom Engine is a high-performance C# port of the powerful OGRE engine. Its flexible component-oriented architecture allows easy extension and provides full support for both DirectX and Op
- 2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, cross-platform text, constant-rate rendering and image-based data.
- 使用opengl实现3D双层画面显示,交错显示
- TOGL library is an OPENGL interface for using TCL/TK to access high 3D performance. It has been used in several cross platform commercial software.
- The OpenGL Shading Language, a high-level procedural shading language for OpenGL, is the most important new development in graphics programming to emerge in years. OpenGL is the leading cross-platform 3D-graphics API, and the OpenGL Shading Language
- Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
- Irrlicht引擎是一个用C++书写的高性能实时的3D引擎,可以应用于C++程序或者.NET语言中。通过使用Direct3D(Windows平台),OpenGL 1.2或它自己的软件着色程序,可以实现该引擎的完全跨平台。尽管是开源的,该Irrlicht库提供了可以在商业级的3D引擎上具有的艺术特性,例如动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。-Irrlicht engine is written in C++, a high-performance real-time 3
- OpenGL编程指南第六版 ,英文电子书pdf格式-he OpenGL? Programming Guide, Sixth Edition, provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.0. This sixth edition of the best
- Irrlicht是一个3D游戏引擎。它具有高效,实时等特点,是个完全跨平台的引擎,使用D3D、OpenGL和它的自己的渲染程序。支持动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。目前最新版本是1.7.1。-Irrlicht is a 3D game engine. It has high-performance, real-time characteristics, it is a totally cross-platform engine, using D3D, OpenGL
- Qt OpenGL 创建跨平台可视化UI:科学可视化、医学成像、飞行模拟、流程建模、动画、游戏和视觉效果应用程序都需要大量使用高性能 2D 和 3D 图形。-Qt OpenGL to create cross-platform visualization UI: scientific visualization, medical imaging, flight simulation, process modeling, animation, games and visual effects
- SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是什么呢?根据他的表面意思,翻译过来就是简单的指导媒体层SDL是一个跨平台的多媒体函数库,被用来设计成在低层访问音频,键盘,鼠标,游戏杆,基于OPENGL(一个3D图象开发函数库)的3D 硬件,和2D图象帧缓冲区。它被广泛的用于基于MPEG的媒体播放软件,模拟器,和许多著名的游戏。最著名的游戏是赢得LIUNX组游戏开发大奖的 文明:权利的召唤(Civilization: Call To Power)。-SDL (Simple Direc
- SDL是Simple DirectMedia Layer(简易直控媒体层)的缩写。它是一个跨平台的多媒 体库,以用于直接控制底层的多媒体硬件的接口。这些多媒体功能包括了音频、键盘和鼠标 (事件)、游戏摇杆等。当然,最为重要的是提供了 2D图形帧缓冲(framebuffer)的接口, 以及为 OpenGL 与各种操作系统之间提供了统一的标准接口以实现 3D图形。从这些属性我 们可以看出,SDL 基本上可以认为是为以电脑游戏为核心开发的多媒体库。-SDL is the Simple
- Simple DirectMedia Layer, 简称SDL,是一个自由的跨平台的多媒体开发包,主要通过OpenGL和2D视频帧缓冲(framebuffer)提供对音频、键盘、鼠标、游戏操纵杆 (joystick)和3D硬件的底层访问。它被广泛的应用于MPEG回放软件、模拟器和多个著名游戏中,如获得大奖的《文明:权倾天下》-Simple DirectMedia Layer, abbreviated SDL, is a free cross-platform multimedia develop
- cross platform 3d engine http://www.rtsoft.com/forums/showthread.php?40554-RT3DApp-and-RTPhysics-done-in-Ogles2-and-OpenGL This final version proton_sdk_source_2013091d.zip use IRRLICHT SDK VERSION "1.9.0" can build on Ios, Android, Win
- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Realize image watermarking, de-noising, plus noise and other functions, There CDF trigonometric curve / 3D graphs.
- SDL 是Simple DirectMedia Layer (简易直控媒体层)的缩写。它是一个跨平台的多媒 体库, 以用于直接控制底层的多媒体硬件的接口。这些多媒体功能包括了音频、键盘和鼠标 (事件)、游戏摇杆等。当然,最为重要的是提供了2D 图形帧缓冲( framebuffer )的接口, 以及为OpenGL 与各种操作系统之间提供了统一的标准接口以实现3D 图形。从这些属性我 们可以看出, SDL 基本上可以认为是为以电脑游戏为核心开发的多媒体库。(SDL is the abbrev