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此程序计算了空间功率平均分配和注水分配的情况下信道的容量和中断容量。-this procedure to calculate the average power distribution space and the distribution of water injection under the channel capacity and outage capacity.
计算MIMO系统中信道容量的程序,包括中断容量和遍历性容量两种-CITIC MIMO system channel capacity calculation procedures, including the outage capacity and ergodic capacity
it has been designed to calculate the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT and perfect CSIT
The channel is assumed to be spatially correlated according to a Kronecker
model but temporally uncorrelated. -it ha
改程序实现了mimo的中断容量在仿真区域中的三维分布情况-Procedures to achieve the outage capacity of mimo at the three-dimensional simulation of the regional distribution of
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh
channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT
(waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The
channel is assume
MIMO系统的信道容量和接收分集系统的中断概率性能,清华大学2004年博士论文,作者崔晓伟-MIMO system channel capacity and receive diversity system outage probability performance, Tsinghua University doctoral dissertation in 2004, the author崔晓伟
This paper deals with the capacity behavior of wireless Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM)-based spatial multiplexing system when considering realistic channel delay profiles.
In both the SISO and the MIMO contexts, we compare the
这个函数中比较了等功率分配和注水分配策略下,MIMO信道的信道容量和中断容量-This function calculates ergodic and outage capacity of correlated MIMO channels
-This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh
channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CS
MIMO Outage Capacity
Ergodic Capacity, Capacity Distribution and
Outage Capacity of MIMO Time-Varying and
Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels
On the Outage Capacity of Correlated
Multiple-Path MIMO Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity has been calculated using ergodic and outage capacity of correlated MIMO channels..
-MIMO Channel Capacity has been calculated using ergodic and outage capacity of correlated MIMO channels..
Outage Capacity of MIMO Poisson Fading Channels
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh
channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT
(waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to b
这是《Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems》书中第二章的源程序,包括mimo信道模型,遍历容量,中断容量以及发射端或接受端具有相关性等程序。-This is the " Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems" source book, the second chapter, including mimo channel model, ergodic capacity, the outage capacity and t
该程序的主要功能是仿真MIMO系统中中断容量概率分布图-The main function of the program is a simulation of MIMO system outage capacity probability distribution
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT (waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to be spa
MIMO信道遍历容量程序,给定中断概率计算中断容量,改变天线数量仿真结果对比-MIMO channel ergodic capacity of the program, given interrupt probability calculation outage capacity, change the number of antenna simulation results
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh
channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT
(waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to b