Element interaction
- Using p5.js library to create generative paterns and designs. The code shows "interaction between elements" using 'A', 'S' and 'D' keys.
Image degeneration
- Using processing librarz for javascr ipt: P5.js - Image gets degenerated with mouse position.
- Processing在国内的应用方兴未已,而相应的使用翻译却没跟得上,这里自己翻了下它的官网例程(Application of Processing just starting to expand in China, while the corresponding translation did not keep up, here he had made its official website routines)
- 一款基于P5.JS的HTML5文字遮罩粒子动画,HTML5实在是太强大了(A HTML5 based text mask particle animation based on P5.JS, HTML5 is too powerful.)