- This Code can controller a Led RGB from PWM hardware incluide on a microcontroller PIC
- SuperProbe - 17 Function! The Superprobe project was designed to see how much could be done with a PIC chip and just a few parts. The image at the right shows the capacitance measuring mode. This device is designed around a PIC16F870, a 4 d
- In this archive is included an example code in proton basic compiler how to implement PWM using interrupt.It is used for regulating light intensity of led diode depending on light ambient.When the light is low led diode is full powered and light inte
- RGB LED Kite project using a PIC 18F2550 and 48 RGB LEDs in a matrix array. Uses 3 bit PWM to change the color of RGB LEDs. Includes very well explained and detailed documentation in english. Author: Juan Medrano, Guatemala.
- 基本的pic单片机c语言编程 AD程序实现模拟量到数字量的转换功能; CAN程序实现CAN总线通讯功能; keyboard_check程序实现键盘的扫描查询方式输入; keyboard_disturb程序实现PORTB的"电平变化中断"进行键盘的输入; led0-8程序实现在8个LED上依次显示1~8数字; PWM程序用于使CCP1模块产生分辨率为10位的PWM波形,占空比为50 ; RS-232程序通过RS-232接口来完成
- 基于PIC单片机 8路AD采集及RS-485通信(8 way AD acquisition and RS-485 communication based on PIC single chip)