- geda的gerber文件工具,能查看标准的gerber文件-# Gerbv is a viewer for Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files. # Gerbv is a native Linux application, and it runs on many common unix platforms. # Gerbv is free/ open-source softwa
- 设有5个哲学家,共享一张放有5把椅子的桌子,每人分得一把椅子,但是,桌子上共有5只筷子,在每人两边各放一只,哲学家们在肚子饥饿时才试图分两次从两边拿起筷子就餐。 -There are 5 philosophers sharing a chair placed five tables, each share of a chair, however, a total of five chopsticks on the table, in each place one on each side,
- A figure ready to scroll through and play videos. You can also draw any custom graphics on it.-VIDEOFIG(NUM_FRAMES, @REDRAW_FUNC) creates a figure with a horizontal scrollbar and shortcuts to scroll automatically. The scroll range is 1 to NUM_FRAMES.
- pick and place project report
- 功能: 六个按键,每按下一个按键(按住不放)相对应分别输出 200Hz 250Hz 300Hz 800Hz 1KHz 1.2KHz 的方波信号(50 duty) 一键ON/OFF控制两功能遥控车之VDD通断,以便取放IC 两键ON/OFF分别控制两个口用于切换两功能遥控车之VDD高低压测试 两键ON/OFF分别控制两个口用于切换强弱信号 -: Six keys, each press of a button (hold) corresponding output 200Hz
- micro controller based program for pick and place robot for 8051.
- This an example of programming the PA10 Robot of Mitsubishi. It s a pick and place operation.-This is an example of programming the PA10 Robot of Mitsubishi. It s a pick and place operation.
- Servomotor pick and place robot using piv microcontroller
- Pick and place robot report
- OpenPnP is a project to create the plans, prototype and software for a completely Open Source SMT pick and place machine that anyone can afford. I believe that with the ubiquity of cheap, precise motion control hardware, some ingenuity and plenty of
- 这是能力风暴系列的机器人套件源码,内容包含:立体仓库,单向红绿灯,传送带,自动小车,旋转工作台,电梯,自动车床,工业抓放机器人,三自由度手臂,数控加工中心,分拣工厂-This is the ability storm robot kit series source, contents include: warehouse, one-way traffic lights, conveyors, automatic car, rotary tables, elevators, automatic l
- PC controlled Pick and place Robo & also for Zigbee suvilance robo
- pick and place software source code
- this one is simulation of mitsubishi plc pick and place