- program kehuji uses Forms, Unit1 in ..\\zxc\\Unit1.pas {Form1}, Unit2 in ..\\zxc\\Unit2.pas {Form2}, Unit3 in ..\\zxc\\Unit3.pas {Form3}, Unit4 in ..\\zxc\\Unit4.pas {Form4} // Unit3 in C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Delphi7\\
- 建立工程 org.eclipse.swt.examples.paint.rar-building projects org.eclipse.swt.examples.paint.r ar
- bject Inspector is a component suite that contains inspectors allowing you to change anything in your application at runtime. Object Inspector suite includes: TPropertyInterface component for easy access to any property or event of an
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- 本项目为:进销存管理系统,使用JSP 和 MVC框架结构编写,适合稍有JSP基础知识的朋友参考学习!-The projects are: Invoicing Management System, the use of JSP, and MVC framework to prepare for a little basic knowledge of JSP' s friends refer to learning!
- MaNGOS is an object-oriented Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Server (MMORPGS). It s an educational project, to help developers get familar with large scale C++ and C# development projects.
- 我将JAVA一个项目暗箱提供给你们,希望能给你们的研发提供一种科学参考.我为VC朋友们的项目改革提供资源扩展,将JAVA进销存项目改写、转换为VC项目。 -JAVA a project I will provide you with black-box, I hope your R & D can provide a scientific reference. I VC friends to provide resources to expand the project of ref
- RUP过程与UML模型驱动开发方法在证券研发项目中的应用实践 -RUP process and UML model-driven development methodology R & D projects in the securities practice in the application of
- LR分析法是一种自下而上进行规范归约的语法分析法,L指从左到右扫描输入符号串,R是指构造最右推导的逆过程。对大多数无二义性上下文无关文法描述的语言都可用它进行有效的分析。主要分析器有LR(0),SLR(1),LR(1),LALR(1): LR(0):在分析的每一步,只需根据当前栈顶状态而不必向前查看输入符号就能确定应采取的分析动作。所能分析的LR(0)文法要求文法的每一个LR(0)项目集中都不含冲突项目。 -LR analysis is a bottom-up norms to r
- 汽车研发项目物资采购系统分析和系统数据流程业务流程设计-Automotive R & D projects of Purchasing data flow analysis and systems design of business processes
- provides an overview of the European R&D activities in the IPv6 area, focussing on projects, network aspects, trials and applications developed and demonstrated in the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme
- 搜集的关于嵌入式开发板E-PLAY的相关资料,包括几个完整工程,以及其他资料,非常适合初学嵌入式和准备参加电子大赛的同学参考学习。注:08年北京市电子设计大赛就用的这块版子,非常不错!-Collected on the embedded development board E-PLAY relevant information, including several completed projects, and other information, is suitable for beginne
- Delphi实现ping操作 希望对大家有用-Delphi ping operation we hope to achieve a useful
- 用NIOS2核建的FFT工程,能够对输入的数据进行FFT或IFFT变换。-FFT with NIOS2 nuclear construction projects, to input data on FFT or IFFT transform.
- Icon控制Display different icons in explorer for VB projects-Icon Control Display different icons in explorer for VB projects
- 学习OpenCV的中文书。 OpenCV 是一个开源(参见http://opensource.org)的计算机视觉库,项目主页为 http://SourceForge.net/projects/opencvlibrary。OpenCV 采用C/C++语言编 写,可以运行在Linux/Windows/Mac 等操作系统上。OpenCV 还提供了Python、R uby、MATLAB 以及其他语言的接口。-Learning OpenCV of Chinese books. OpenC
- 本书为英文高清版本,对Struts2。0介绍的非常透彻,英文好的朋友可以尝试一下,个人感觉受益匪浅-HD version of the book in English on Struts2. 0 introduced very thorough, with good English friends can try it, benefited from personal feeling
- 基于51单片机的232串口通信源码,有大量实例,其中包括数据发送、接收、双向通信、1206通信显示等,有汇编代码也有C语言代码,在实际项目中可以直接复制。-Based on 51 SCM 232 serial interface communication source, there are plenty of examples, including data sending and receiving, two-way communication, 1206 communications di
- 帧差法,开运算,闭运算,二值化,灰度值变换,opencv3.0开发,vs2012-Zhèng chà fǎ, kāi yùnsuàn, bì yùnsuàn, èr zhí huà, huī dù zhí biànhuàn,opencv3.0 Kāifā,vs2010 Frame difference, opening operation, closing operation, binary, gray-value conversion, opencv3.0 development, vs2