- 主要功能: · 拥有腾迅QQ最基本的聊天功能。 · 使用了QQ的IP数据库,聊天时可以察看对方IP。 · 聊天信息全部以加密方式进行交换! · 推荐局域网使用性能最佳! · 兼容DVBBS论坛 -main functions : Proton Motion QQ have basic chat. The use of IP database QQ, chat can see the other side IP. Chat with all the information
- Intel Proton 8.0 build instructions: Change \\Include, \\Lib, and \\Bin paths in omp.bat to your actual ones. Run omp.bat to build omp_smp.exe Microsoft: Use MS Visual Studio 2005 beta 1 compiler and vcomp.dll Compiler options may di
- 质子交换膜燃料电池组工作时,产生大量热量,能否确保质子交换膜燃料电池的废热及时排出己成为其能否实用化的关键之一。直接采用温度传感器在质子交换膜燃料电池的尾气出曰处测得温度,利用灰色系统解释‘小样木”、“贫信息”不确定性问题的特点,建立顶测尾气温度的新型数学模型,对卜一时刻的出曰温度进行顶测,井根据顶测的数据对风扇功率进行顶调节,确保质子交换膜燃料电池工作在适宜的温度中。通过对实验数据的分析,此模型己达到较好的顶测精度,井且由于程序的简单,较容易在硬件上实现,具有较高的实用性。-proton ex
- roam地形算法实现,非常赞~ This engine is based on Roam Binary triangle tree technology. Source: --------------- http://opengl.org.ru/proton/Land3.zip Main article: --------------- http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000403/turner_01.htm
- 过腾读驱动保护内存 用于TX的游戏保护模式的,Proton-driven read-off to protect the memory of the Games for the protection of TX mode
- ExtJS+SSH框架实现的CRM模板,腾科公司用来给实训生上课用的,大把大把的实训生狂招,教一两天就实训完了,意在宣传改公司。,ExtJS+ SSH framework for implementation of CRM templates, the company used to give Proton Health Training classes used, a lot a lot of crazy trick Health Training, Education and Trainin
- 采用matlab/simulink实现质子交换膜燃料电池的建模,可以使用作为分布式发电单元-matalb/simulink model the proton exchange membrane fuel cell.
- ICQ是英文"I seek you "的简称,中文意思是我找你。ICQ最大的功能就是即时信息交流,只要记得对方的号码,上网时可以呼他,无论他在哪里,只要他上网打开ICQ,人们就可以随时交流。ICQ源于以色列特拉维夫的Mirabils公司。该公司成立于1996年7月,也就是在这个时候,互联网上最出名,下载使用人数最多的免费软件ICQ诞生了。可能是其不断增加的用户和广阔的前景以及广泛的应用前景和巨大的市场潜力,Mirabils的ICQ最终被美国在线AOL收购。由于ICQ的成功,推动了ICQ的本土化,
- Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
- ejemplo de programacion en proton para el pic16f877a para el uso basico de un puente H
- Recent developments in MRI applications to rheology and fluid mechanics. Two recent developments using proton MRI velocimetry are reported, that concern both fields of rheology and of fluid mechanics. The first one is a way to get noticeable impr
- Source code for make luxometer with a single photo-resitor. The code is generate in proton pic basic.
- A proton precession magnetometer was built which uses an advanced data analysis technique to decrease the susceptibility to ambient noise. The project uses the Keil MCB2130 board to do the data analysis.
- In this archive is included an example code in proton basic compiler how to implement PWM using interrupt.It is used for regulating light intensity of led diode depending on light ambient.When the light is low led diode is full powered and light inte
- In this example, the work described in the accelerometer software tool proton. The principle of an accelerometer based on the change of acceleration of the body, change the angle of the surface at a sharp shot ... After that generates a variable anal
- In this archive is included an example code in proton basic compiler how to implement NE555 as temperature regulator.Working principle is based on the change of resistance of variable resistor NTC. Changing its resistance changes and the frequency ge
- Clock with SDA5708 PIC16F873A in Proton Basic
- 采用pscad/emtdc开发质子交换膜燃料电池的模型,可再生能源-pscad/emtec develop proton exchange membrane fuel cell model
- RTOS for PIC in Proton Basic,RTOS for PIC in Proton Basic
- Reconstruction for Proton Computed Tomography A Practical Approach