- 正交频分复用基于IEEE802.11a的PTA跟踪法,同学自己编的,较复杂,运用了锁相环
- LSSVM,生产过程中4-CBA的PTA软测量 -LSSVM, the production process of 4-CBA Soft Sensor PTA
- their RouterBoard 1xx and 5xx series devices. The original Mikrotik code -lso was based on the driver for Linux 2.4.xx published by Mikrotik for * their RouterBoard 1xx and 5xx series devices. The original Mikrotik code * seems not to have a
- This file was based on: drivers/ata/pata_ixp4xx_cf.c -This file was based on: drivers/ata/pata_ixp4xx_cf.c * Copyright (C) 2006-07 Tower Technologies * Author: Alessandro Zummo <a.zummo@towertech.it>
- *硬件连接:PTA-HD44780data,PTC0-RS,PTC1-RW,PTC2-E * *程序描述: 1.以串行中断方式接收从PC机发送来的时钟启 * * 动信号56H和时间值 * * v11:11:11:11表示11:11:11 * * 2.以定时中断方式实现实现1秒的定时 * * 3.以串行接受中断方式接受从PC机发送来的时 * * 钟停止信号57H并向PC方发送当前的时钟数据 * *使用模块: 定时模块、串行通信模块及LCD模块 * -* Hardwa
- 运城家教网站源程序 可以实现学员教员分开注册分开管理-Yuncheng PTA website source code can be achieved separately registered separate student teacher
- 在Visual studio环境下使用C#语言开发的供求信息网。可提供大量包括求职信息,招聘信息,培训信息,家教信息等大量用户需求的信息。-In the Visual studio environment using C# language developed by supply and demand information network. Can provide substantial information, including job search, recruitment inform
- 该代码为家教信息管理系统,包括家教信息,学生信息以及家教与学生的信息查询-The code for the tutoring information management system, including the PTA information, student information, and information query tutor and students
- Fortify Program Trace Analyzer(PTA)是Fortify 360中的一个安全测试分析器,这个工具可以使QA测试人员在实施QA测试的过程中能够对软件安全脆弱性和安全漏洞进行识别,这个过程不需要专门的专业安 全知识也不需要安全专家,Fortify PTA在不改变QA工作组任何工作过程的前提下使QA测试组具备了发现软件安全漏洞的能力。Fortify PTA可以伴随任何安全测试工作来进行,不管这项测试工作是自动化测试(比如说来自Mercury公司或者Borland公司的自动
- 浙大 PTA练习系统数值分析NA1003 三角追赶法的应用-One day, CYLL found an interesting piece of commercial newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of Lunch Special which was said that one could buy one get two for free . That is, if you buy one of the dish
- 浙大PTA练习系统NA1004 比较雅各比迭代和高斯塞德尔迭代-Use Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods to solve a given n×n linear system A x ⃗ = b ⃗ with an initial approximation x ⃗ (0) . Note: When checking each a ii , first sca
- 网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-04-树6 Complete Binary Search Tree 编译器:python2-Complete Binary Search Tree A Complete Binary Tree (CBT) is a tree that is completely filled, with the possible exception of the bottom level, which is filled left to ri
- 网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-06-图1 列出连通集 给定一个有NNN个顶点和EEE条边的无向图,请用DFS和BFS分别列出其所有的连通集。假设顶点从0到N− 1N-1N− 1编号。进行搜索时,假设我们总是从编号最小的顶点出发,按编号递增的顺序访问邻接点。-Given a free E N vertices and edges of the graph, please list the set of all of its communicat
- 网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-06-图2 Saving James Bond - Easy Version 编译器-python2-This time let us consider the situation in the movie Live and Let Die in which James Bond, the world s most famous spy, was captured by a group of drug dealers. He
- 网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-05-树8 File Transfer 编译器:python2-We have a network of computers and a list of bi-directional connections. Each of these connections allows a file transfer one computer to another. Is it possible to send a file any com
- 网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-04-树5 Root of AVL Tree 编译器:python2-An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one if at any time they differ by more than on
- 写一个程序,帮助前来咨询的游客找一条出发地和目的地之间的最短路径。如果有若干条路径都是最短的,那么需要输出最便宜的一条路径。(Write a program that helps visitors come to the shortest path between a destination and a destination. If there are several paths that are shortest, then you need to output the cheapest p
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