- 拼拼图其实是一种很有乐趣的玩意。当你发现它的奥秘的时候,你将会很喜欢它。 当初,我一点也不喜欢拼,就是几十块的那种我也觉得不耐烦。拼来拼去都拼不成,看到它,就像是看见MR杨出的思考应用题的感觉一样,一看就不想... -fight puzzle is actually a very fun thing. When you found the secret of it, you will like it. First, I do not like to fight, dozens of pie
- 这是一个较复杂的拼图游戏,可以更改拼图的图象文件,并在窗口右部显示完整的图象文件。-This is a more complicated pieces of the jigsaw puzzle can change the image file, and the right of the window to display the image file.
- 拼图游戏,可以自动拼图-pieces of the jigsaw puzzle automatically
- 黑白棋是一种益智游戏,但在棋盘上下棋非常麻烦,因为要不停地将黑白 两棋互换(日本人想出了一个好办法:将棋子正反面涂为异色),于是我用basic 写了这么一个小程序,以方便大家。 游戏规则非常简单:在一个棋盘上先放上四枚棋子,黑白双方轮流下棋, 每一子须下在棋盘的空白处且能“吃掉”对方至少一子,否则自己不能下而 由对方继续下;“吃掉”对方的棋子是指:以落点为中心,向左看去经过几 个对方的棋子后又有自己的棋子(中间不能有空格),则这几个对方的棋子就 被换成我方的棋子,
- 拼图游戏(数组控件),9,16,25块三种玩法。可以更换图片。QQ4903813-Jigsaw puzzle (an array of controls), three playing pieces 9,16,25. Can replace the picture. QQ490381366
- 拼图游戏,内含有几幅图片可供选择,同时也有难度级别-Jigsaw puzzle contains pieces of pictures to choose from, but also have difficulty levels
- 一个简单的益智游戏.此游戏可让您选择任何从您的硬盘驱动器图片,分为指定数量的作品了。你的任务是使这一形象回来。-This game allows you to select any picture from your hard-drive, divide it into specified number of pieces. Your mission is to make this image back. A simple puzzle game, you know for kids :)
- 优秀的拼图游戏示例,可以将任意jpg、bmp、gif等图形文件切割成拼图碎片,开始游戏。-Good jigsaw puzzle example, you can use any jpg, bmp, gif graphics files such as cut pieces to the puzzle, start the game.
- 对称阵拼图游戏,将数字块放入方格中,形成对称阵,游戏胜利-Symmetric matrix jigsaw puzzle, the number of pieces into the grid, the formation of symmetric matrix, games victory
- 1、一个可以自选图形和难度的拼图游戏,选择不同的底图,再选择难度,就可以开始游戏了。 2 在做拼图游戏时,拼图旁边有钟表计时器,还有两个按钮,点击后分别显示一个完整的小图形和拼图拼好后的图形。 3 难度越大,拼图的块越多,越有挑战性,玩家可以随意改变三种难度的一种,并有五种不同的底图供玩家按喜好选择。 -1, an optional graphics and difficult puzzle game, choose a different base map, then select
- 本示例说明了一个在 Pocket PC 上运行的拼图游戏源码,此游戏源码要求您在游戏源码板上移动图片拼块,直到它们处于正确的位置。本示例(仅在 Visual CSHARP 中可用)演示了绘图、图像缩放放、自定义控件源码与可缩放放 TrueType 字体。运行示例从“选项”菜单中选择三种不同的网格布局之一。注意 单击“选项”菜单上的“显示出来标签”可在每个拼块上放一个数字,这样能更容易完成拼图。在“游 -This example illustrates a jigsaw puzzle sour
- 使用SmallBasic语言开发的消除类益智游戏,该游戏通过鼠标在棋盘上移动棋子,每次移动会导致3个棋子随机出现在棋盘上,当有5个棋子连成一线时可以消除一行,当棋盘满时游戏结束。-Use SmallBasic language developed to eliminate class puzzle game, the game via the mouse moves on the board chess pieces, each move will lead to three pieces ap
- 拼图游戏,可以自动拼图-pieces of the jigsaw puzzle automatically -Jigsaw puzzle, can automatically puzzle-pieces of the jigsaw puzzle automatically
- 一个用VC++编写的拼图游戏,打开之后可以选择简单,困难模式的拼图游戏-A with VC++ write pieces of the jigsaw puzzle game simple, difficult patterns can then choose to open
- OpenGL游戏编程:3D三连棋源码,本人学习OpenGl的第一个程序,多多指教。三连棋是一个有趣的益智游戏,你的目标就是将同一条直线上的三个棋子连上。有电脑同你较量呦。-OpenGL Game Programming: 3D three-chess source code, I am learning OpenGL the first program, exhibitions. Triple game is an interesting puzzle game, your goal is to
- 将视频画面分成15小块,打乱排列,可进行重组游戏。-The video screen is divided into 15 small pieces, disrupting ranged, may reorganize the game.
- 拼图小游戏,选择图片(可以本地磁盘里或者自带的),然后自动按等级分成数块并打乱顺序,使用鼠标或键盘进行挪动拼图。-Puzzle game, select a picture (or can be built in a local disk), and then automatically graded into several pieces and shuffled, using the mouse or keyboard move the puzzle.
- 用户自己选择一张图片,程序将根据该图片生成拼图游戏。 -(Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Generator) Create a Java jigsaw puzzle generator and manipulator. The user specifies an image. Your program loads and displays the image, then breaks it into randomly selected shapes and shuffles t
- The game that I decided to implement for this platform is Tetris, a puzzle game originally designed by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984. In Tetris, puzzle pieces made up of four blocks fall steadily down, and the player must move and rotate
- 当用户打开拼图游戏后,程序通过用户选择的图片和游戏的难易程度,系统内部分别将拼图的原始图片分成16块,36块和64块并随机摆放。用户通过鼠标将每一块图片移动到对应位置从而复原整张图片。复原成功后,程序显示用户复原图片花费的时间。-When the user opens a jigsaw puzzle, the program by the degree of difficulty, pictures and games selected by the user, the internal sys