- RC5-CTS模式加密解密算法C++程序实现。 解压之后运行main.dsw.在VC++下面打开,执行之后根据显示首先输入密钥(随便输入不超过16字节的字符串),之后提示输入需要加密的plaintext文件,输入plaintext1.txt,这个文件在压缩包里已经存在,(注意一定要写清楚文件类型名,是个文本文件),然后根据提示输入加密文件名,可随便输入一个文件名,但是别忘记了类型名.txt,如ciphertext1.txt。因为不输入类型名将来无法打开。之后输入解密之后的文件名,可输入dec
- 单钥密码算法 AES DES IDEA LZW RC5-single-key DES Cipher AES IDEA LZW RC5
- RC5加密解密算法,64位明文密文信息,128位密钥-RC5 encryption algorithm, ciphertext 64 expressly information, 128-bit key
- rc5 key expansion algorithm implementation in vhdl, using state machine too. use ieee papers for more detailed descr iption
- rc5 based philips remote control decoding and oprate relay with remot key remot is commonly available in market 90channel reote
- RC5 has a variable block size (32, 64 or 128 bits), key size (0 to 2040 bits) and number of rounds (0 to 255). The original suggested choice of parameters were a block size of 64 bits, a 128-bit key and 12 rounds.
- 一种利用ATmega8设计的红外遥控风扇项目,包括红外资料 原理图 源代码等详细设计资料。 1.改造不带遥控器的电风扇。 2.用电视机的遥控器。 3.超强抗干扰解RC5码。 4.带2种自然风产生,效果比市面卖的好。 5.带3小时定时 6.原来的琴键开关、定时正常使用。 -A project the ATmega8 designed IR remote control fan, including the detailed design of the infrar
- 基于AVR ATmega16 开发板。接收NEC、RC5遥控器,显示遥控器的系统码和按键码的源程序。-Based on the AVR ATmega16 development board. Receiving NEC, RC5 remote control to display the source code of the remote control system code and key code.
- rc5加解密 可以输入密钥进行解密和加密。人机交互较好。-the rc5 encryption and decryption can enter the key for decryption and encryption. Better human-computer interaction.
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are becoming popular day by day, however one of the main issue in WSN is its limited resources. We have to look to the resources to create Message Authentication Code (MAC) keeping in mind the feasibility of techn
- RC5加密算法类C# RC5分组密码算法是1994由麻萨诸塞技术研究所的Ronald L. Rivest教授发明的,并由RSA实验室分析。它是参数可变的分组密码算法,三个可变的参数是:分组大小、密钥大小和加密轮数。在此算法中使用了三种运算:异或、加和循环。-RC5 encryption algorithm class C# RC5 block cipher algorithm in 1994 by Professor Ronald L. Rivest Massachusetts Ins
- 详细说明:RC5加密算法类C# RC5分组密码算法是1994由麻萨诸塞技术研究所的Ronald L. Rivest教授发明的,并由RSA实验室分析。它是参数可变的分组密码算法,三个可变的参数是:分组大小、密钥大小和加密轮数。在此算法中使用了三种运算:异或、加和循环。-RC5 encryption algorithm class C# RC5 block cipher algorithm in 1994 by Professor Ronald L. Rivest Massachusetts Ins
- This a rc5 encryption simple function code. Note that keys here are already been selected. You can add a vhdl code for key generation is well.-This is a rc5 encryption simple function code. Note that keys here are already been selected. You can add a