- NEC-SIRCS-JAPAN-RC5-SAMSUNG compatible, multiprotocol infrared remote control. Replaces up to 6 existing remote controls into one. With manual learning function, LED display and/or LCD. 2V6-3V2, low power (sleep function) More proto
- PIC16F690上接LCD 1602A的显示驱动 Set these pins to outputs: PORTC: RC0 -> PIN 11 (DATA, DB4) RC1 -> PIN 12 (DATA, DB5) RC2 -> PIN 13 (DATA, DB6) RC3 -> PIN 14 (DATA, DB7) RC4 -> PIN 6 (E) RC5 -> PIN 4 (RS) LC
- How to build own FM receiver with PLL (SAA1057), remote control (RC5-code), digital controlled stereo audio processor (TDA7318), LCD (HD44780 compatible), all controlled by a PIC16F628.
- 单片机开发/电子钱包演示代码/搭配LCD/RC5-MCU development/electronic wallet demo code/with LCD/RC500
- A source code for reading an infrared signal from a RC5 remote control through AVR ATMEGA16 adc pin showing the control buttons pressed on a 16x2 lcd display.