- ZigBee路由协议指的是ZigBee规范中规定的与路由相关的功能和算法部分,主要包括不同网络拓扑结构下ZigBee协议数据单元的路由方式、路由发现和路由维护等内容。为了达到低成本、低功耗、可靠性高等设计目标,ZigBee网络采用了Cluster-Tree与AODV路由相结合的路由算法。该包实现了ZIGBEE路由算法在NS2下的模拟,ZigBee Routing Protocol refers to the ZigBee specification and routing provisions
- dSPACE实时仿真系统是由德国dSPACE公司开发的一套基于MATLAB/Simulink的控制系统开发及半实物仿真的软硬件工作平台,实现了和MATLAB/Simulink/RTW的完全无缝连接。dSPACE实时系统拥有实时性强,可靠性高,扩充性好等优点。dSPACE硬件系统中的处理器具有高速的计算能力,并配备了丰富的I/O支持,用户可以根据需要进行组合;软件环境的功能强大且使用方便,包括实现代码自动生成/下载和试验/调试的整套工具。dSPACE软硬件目前已经成为进行快速控制原型验证和半实物仿
- M16C/6S 群是采用64 管脚的塑模LQFP 封装的单片机。该群将电力线通信调制解调器内核(利用了Yitran Communications Ltd公司开发的IT800PLC调制解调器技术)和模拟前端进行了单芯片化。M16C/60系列CPU内 核实现了高级别的编码效率和高速运算处理,而且,内置的IT800调制解调器内核还采用了Yitran公司的DCSK (Differential Code Shift Keying)扩频调制方式的专利技术,可在已有的电气配线上实现速度最大为7.5
- 电力系统可靠性中的潮流计算 使用牛啦法-Power system reliability in the power flow calculation method you use cow
- 该程序是用来计算互联发电系统的可靠性。该系统是由两个发电系统A、B,经两台变压器和两条并联输电线路连结在一起-The program is used to calculate the reliability of interconnected power systems. The system consists of two power systems A, B, two by two parallel transformers and transmission lines together
- 求解电力网络机电暂态DAE方程,得到系统随时间变化的状态量轨迹-solve the mechanical/electrical transient DAE function of power system, in order to get the trace of the state parameter when time varies
- 某大学太阳能光伏电站设计论文,很有价值的资料,我花了很长时间才找到,拿出来和大家共享一下,希望对大家有用。-Solar photovoltaic power plant design at a university paper, valuable information, I took a long time to find it out and share what I hope for all of us.
- 华北电力大学电力系统研究生的课程《电力系统规划与可靠性》公开版课件-North China Electric Power University, Power Systems graduate course " Power System Planning and Reliability" public version of the courseware
- This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, t
- 电力系统可靠性分析,清华大学出版 PDF版,系统讲解电力系统可靠性研究领域今年来取得的成果-Power system reliability analysis
- 电力系统风险评估方法和应用实例研究,介绍一种新的可用于电力系统规划、设计、运行及维护领域风险评估的方法。该方法强调工程应 用, 探讨电力系统的实际问题。根据规划、运行、维修和资产管理方面的不同要求, 发展特定的概念、针 对性的方法和实施步骤, 如提出元件老化失效模型、共因停运的分离模型及元件组停运模型等新概念。通 过对加拿大某城市电力系统扩建规划实例的分析, 说明如何进行具体工程的可靠性概率评估, 以达到资源 的最佳配置, 使系统风险保持在目标水平。 -Power syste
- Strategic Location of Renewable Generation Based on Grid Reliability
- 在软件DIgSILENT上搭建的有关含风电的RBTS模型,用来计算可靠性-Built on the software DIgSILENT about RBTS with wind power model used to calculate the reliability
- 通信系统链路可靠性和节点可靠性的计算并将两者综合-Communication link reliability and node computing system reliability and a combination of both
- Modern Power Systems Analysis The power industry, a capital and technology intensive industry, is a basic national infrastructure. Its security, reliability, and economy have enormous and far-reaching effects on a national economy.
A stochastic, contingency-based security-constrained optimal power flow for the procurement of energy and distributed re
- It is widely agreed that optimal procurement of reserves,with explicit consideration of systemcontingencies, can improve reliability and economic efficiency in power systems.With increasing penetration of uncertain generation resources, this optimal
reliability analysis
- reliability analysis code in power systems.
- DG placement in a 33-bus distribution power system using data envelopment analysis technique considering voltage profile, reliability, power loss and cost.
matlab reliability
- confiabilidad power systems tecnicas4
- 电力输发电系统可靠性评估程序 解析法 系统数据在压缩包里(Power transmission and generation system reliability evaluation process analytical method system data compression bag)