- 用图的数据结构,实现求解一点到另一点的最短路径与最长路径长度,以及经过的节点数-With a graph data structure, solving one point to another to achieve the shortest path and longest path length, and number of nodes through
- The task in this assignment is to implement an airline routing system. Your system should be able to read in a ight network as a graph from a le, where airports are represented as vertices and ights between airports are represented as ed
- interactive 2d and 3d graph plotter
- 算法原理:对由所有绿洲以及起点/终点构成的图,运用广度搜索进行遍历, 同时动态更新图中当前遍历node以及其子节点对应的distance矩阵数据项, 遍历完毕后,distance矩阵中存储的即为各个node到起点的最佳路线距离。 -Algorithm: all the Oasis, as well as by the origin/destination consisting of maps, use to traverse the breadth of search, at t
- 著名图论问题之一。邮递员从邮局出发送信,要求对辖区内每条街,都至少通过一次,再回邮局。在此条件下,怎样选择一条最短路线?此问题由中国数学家管梅谷于1960年首先研究并给出算法,故名。-Well-known graph theory problems. Postman deliver a letter from the post office proceed to require every street within the right area, at least through the ti
- 著名图论问题之一。邮递员从邮局出发送信,要求对辖区内每条街,都至少通过一次,再回邮局。在此条件下,怎样选择一条最短路线?此问题由中国数学家管梅谷于1960年首先研究并给出算法,故名。-Well-known graph theory problems. Postman deliver a letter from the post office proceed to require every street within the right area, at least through the ti
- 此项目为图论与代数结构课程的大作业,我们的选题从实际应用出发,结合课程所学的各种关于图的存储和在图上搜索遍历的算法,历经实地踩点考察,数据记录,数学建模,最终利用Adobe Flex开发出了故宫导游系统(Gu Gong Guider ,简称3G)。 我们的项目主要解决游客游览故宫的时间安排问题。通过游客给出时间的要求和对景点的喜好排序,由本系统给出一条符合要求的路线游览方案-This project is graph theory and algebraic structures cours
- The program takes the intermediate stoichiometric matrix of a chemical reaction mechanism as the input and gives the intermediate nodes in terms of all the possible combinations of p-(q-1) reaction steps. This program is complimentary to the "Reactio
- 查询各景点的相关信息; 查询图中任意两个景点间的最短路径; 查询图中任意两个景点间的最经济路径; 根据游客计划的旅游费,为游客推荐最节省的旅游线路与景点-Query information about tourist attractions query graph in any shortest path between two sites query graph between any two sites the most economical route travel co
- )根据校园图设计带权图,图的顶点表示各地点,存放地点名称、代码、简介等信息;图的边表示路径,存放路径长度等相关信息。(校园图能手动输入或者文件导入) 2)提供任意地点相关信息的查询。 3)提供任意地点的问路查询,即查询任意两个景点之间的一条最短的简单路径。 4)提供多个地点的最佳访问路线查询,即求途经这些地点的最佳(短)路径。 -) According to the campus map design a weighted graph, the vertex that locat
- dijkstra算法 目前网络上电子地图的使用很普遍。利用电子地图可以很方便地确定从一个地点到另一个地点的路径。特别地,可确定在城市中的公交换乘路线。 电子地图可以看成是一个图,而公交线路图可看成是带权有向图G =(V,E),其中每条边的权是非负实数。-dijkstra algorithm is currently using the electronic map on the network is very common. The use of electronic maps can
- 刚好手头的项目需要为客户提供一个路线指引功能的小模块,需要自动计算图形上两点间的最短路径。工作之余想着这个算法还是比较的常用,就总结了一下,与大家共享。-Just the project at hand to provide customers with a route guidance function module to automatically calculate the shortest path between two points on the graph. Spare time
- C++迷宫游戏源码,程序中,坐标点,如(1,1),在输入时不需要输括号,直接输1,1。该程序寻找的是最佳路径。该程序可以图形显示迷宫。 -C++ maze game code, the program, coordinate point, such as (1, 1), in the input don t need to lose parentheses, the direct lose 1, 1. The program is the best route for. The p
- For a given source vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the path with lowest cost (i.e. the shortest path) between that vertex and every other vertex. It can also be used for finding costs of shortest paths from a single vertex to a single
- Many interesting route planning problems can be solved by computing shortest paths in a suitably modeled, weighted graph representing a transportation network. Such networks are naturally road networks or timetable networks of public transportati
- Many interesting route planning problems can be solved by computing shortest paths in a suitably modeled, weighted graph representing a transportation network. Such networks are naturally road networks or timetable networks of public transportati
- 使用matlab编程,图论最短路线的Ford迭代算法、Dijkstra算法和Floyd算法-Ford shortest graph theory iterative algorithm
- 本工程实现了Dyjeksra最短路径算法,构造图Graph,可用于查找算法等。-This project offers an algorithm that realised Dyjeksra Shortest-Route through creating a graph and it can be used as searching algorithom.
- 最短路算法,用于图论与网络中,数学建模中常用的程序-The shortest path algorithm for graph theory and network, mathematical modeling of the commonly used procedures
- 运用graph;寻找最短路径(最短时间/最少换乘)(Suppose following weighted directed graph representing a local subway route network, the vertices in the graph represent the important sites in the area, the arcs represents the existing subway routs, and the weight represen