- IO 口模拟232通讯程序 使用两种方式的C程序 占用定时器0 -IO simulated 232 communications programs use two forms of occupation C program timer 0
- 各类源程序集锦 硬件介绍:\7290\ ZLG7290例程* \7290a\ ZLG7290汇编例程* \bell\ 蜂鸣器音乐例程* \buzz\ 蜂鸣器响例程* \eeprom\ 读EEPROM并显示例程* \ex26a_lcd\ 16×2LCD模块例程* \ex36a_lcm\ 128×64点阵LCD模块例程* \KEY_IO\ 直连KEY和LED例程 \led_light\ 直连LED例程* \lin_park\ lin模块的原码及例程。 \lin\ LIN总线例程 \rs232\ RS
- 一个将扫描枪RS232输出格式自动转换为PS/2键盘格式输入的小程式,对有需要用到PS/2格式扫描枪需求,且手头又只有PS/2格式扫描枪的用户很有用,里面有创建系统托盘及注册表操作应用示例。-A scanning gun RS232 output format will automatically switch to PS/2 keyboard input format of small programs, there is required to use PS/2 format scannin
- 基于无线芯片SI4432的组网程序,程序中包括液晶显示,RS232通讯,无线数传,我码率的计算等-SI4432-based wireless chip group net programs, the program includes LCD display, RS232 communications, wireless data transmission, I would rate the calculation
- Verilog编写的串口RS232收发字符串程序,使用FIFO作为数据缓冲区,有效收发字符串长度为256字节,解决了利用串口调试工具与FPGA通讯只能收发单字节的问题.-Programs for uart/RS232, it can receive and transmit strings.
- CH376通讯的上位机程序,通过操作RS232串口实现读写CH376-CH376 PC communications programs, through the operation of RS232 serial interface to read and write CH376
- RS232串口通信,由89c52单片机控制。异步通信,内含两个程序。-RS232 serial communication, controlled by the 89c52 microcontroller. Asynchronous communication, contains two programs.
- Very simple program that can fire laser rangefinder MDL laserACE300 remotly via rs232 and register output to file - work only with this type and ither my programs can fire many MDL s-Very simple program that can fire laser rangefinder MDL laserACE300
- TMS320LF2407 相关代码:RS232通信程序,无刷直流电动机调速程序,直流电动机单极性可逆双闭环PWM控制程序等-TMS320LF2407 relevant code: RS232 communication program, brushless DC motor speed control program, reversible double-loop DC motor unipolar PWM control programs
- Its a Lamda Power Supply. Here each program illustrated how to control the equipment remotely through a RS232/RS485 Cable from a remote system. These programs are developed in LabVIEW 7.1. LabVIEW is a Product & Trademark of National Instruments(NI).
- Its a Lamda Power Supply. Here each program illustrated how to control the equipment remotely through a RS232/RS485 Cable from a remote system. These programs are developed in LabVIEW 7.1. LabVIEW is a Product & Trademark of National Instruments(NI).
- Its a Lamda Power Supply. Here each program illustrated how to control the equipment remotely through a RS232/RS485 Cable from a remote system. These programs are developed in LabVIEW 7.1. LabVIEW is a Product & Trademark of National Instruments(NI).
- Its a Lamda Power Supply. Here each program illustrated how to control the equipment remotely through a RS232/RS485 Cable from a remote system. These programs are developed in LabVIEW 7.1. LabVIEW is a Product & Trademark of National Instruments(NI).
- Its a Lamda Power Supply. Here each program illustrated how to control the equipment remotely through a RS232/RS485 Cable from a remote system. These programs are developed in LabVIEW 7.1. LabVIEW is a Product & Trademark of National Instruments(NI).
- 串口通信小程序,利用RS232串口对话或传文件-Serial communication of small programs, using the RS232 serial port dialog, or pass the file
- 程序运行环境: 下位机:dsPIC30F6014A 上位机:串口调试助手 RS485芯片:MAX489 通信方式:PC机 --- RS232转RS485 --- RS485接口 --- dsPIC30F6014A 通信内容:PC机发送一串字符(约定以“回车”结束)给下位机,下位机接收后不做任何处理返回给PC。-Environment for running programs: The next bit machine: dsPIC30F6014A Host
- 航天天信机器已经解决12套节目,内容为 CCTV1 CCTV7 CCTV新闻 CCTV少儿 上海 湖南 江苏 。。。。。 修改好的程序,针对4针升级口的航天机器使用,用电脑升级需接RS232转换板 点击下载 -Space Machine has been resolved 12 days the letter sets of programs, content CCTV1 CCTV7 CCTV News CCTV Children' s Shanghai, Hunan and
- 串口调试程序文档,帮助大家快速学会,如何通过串口来编写程序-Serial debugger documentation to help you quickly learn how to write programs via the serial port
- arm crotex_m3 LM3s811 R232 串口调试C程序-arm crotex_m3 LM3s811 R232 serial debugging C programs
- Labwindow CVI的RS232编程例程-RS232 programs for Labwindow cvi