- 作者比较了集中rtos的性能,对于我们选择rtos哟知道作用。-authors compared the performance of the Byelorussian focus, we choose to know Byelorussian yo effect.
- Linux 操作系统是一种性能优良、源码公开且被广泛应用的免费操作系统,由于其体积小、可裁减、运行速度高、良好的网络性能等优点,可以作为嵌入式操作系统。随着2.6内核的发布,Linux向现有主流的RTOS提供商在嵌入式系统市场提出了巨大挑战,例如VxWorks和WinCE,具有许多新特性,将成为更优秀的嵌入式操作系统。-Linux operating system is an excellent, open source and widely used free operating system
- 实时多任务系统的调试有很多困难,TI公司提供的DSP/BIOS-Ⅱ是运行于高性能DSP上的一款嵌入式实时操作系统. 这是基于6000系列的音频处理BIOS说明文档-multi-task real-time system debugging many difficulties, TI offered DSP/BIOS- II is running on high-performance DSP paragraph RTOS . This is based on the 6000 series
- hreadx实时嵌入式操作系统源代码,ARM移植. threadx是一个很好的多任务实时嵌入式操作系统,ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide.
- ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide.,ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide
- The LN2410SBC is a high performance single board computer based on ARM920T (MMU included). Its ultra low power consumption, various built-in IO ports and support for Linux/WinCE/RTOS make it suitable for many industry applications.
- VxWorks操作系统是美国Wind River公司设计开发的一种 嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS)。1983年成功推出以来,已顺利应 用到航空、航天、医疗、通信等领域,目前,已成为实际上的工业 标准和军用标准 Motorola公司的PowerPC系列微处理器种类繁多,而且性 能优越,系统集成度高,扩展能力强,可以广泛应用于-VxWorks operating system is the American Wind River' s design and developm
- hreadx实时嵌入式操作系统源代码,ARM移植. threadx是一个很好的多任务实时嵌入式操作系统-ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide.-hreadx real-time embedded operating system source code, ARM transplantat
- 在C8051F006微控制器上面做的一个基于RTX51 tiny小型实时操作系统的3任务运行实验,可以帮助用户较好理解C8051单片机的使用和RTX51型RTOS的一些性能-Above do C8051F006 microcontroller based RTX51 tiny small real-time operating system tasks running experiments, can help users better understand C8051 MCU use and
- By Le Trung Thang,April 2012 By default, the Linux kernel build used in the many open source distributions is the normal/default kernel which doesn’t support real time scheduling. If an embedded developer wants to compare the scheduling policies
- QNX RTOS Evaluation Report Report for reliability performance
- 一个可以基于ROM运行的、可裁减的、抢占式、实时多任务内核,具有高度可移植性,特别适合于微处理器和控制器,是和很多商业操作系统性能相当的实时操作系统(RTOS)-A can be based on uc/os2 ROM running, can cut, preemptive, real-time multitasking kernel, with high portability, is particularly suitable for microprocessor and controll
- MQX是Freescale公司推出的一款基于Linux的实时操作系统,附件提供了基于K64处理器的MQX例程,方便学习-The MQX Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) provides real-time performance within a small, configurable footprint. The RTOS is tightly integrated with 32-bit MCUs and MPUs NXP and is provided
- uC/OS III(Micro Control Operation System Two)是一个可以基于ROM运行的、可裁减的、抢占式、实时多任务内核,具有高度可移植性,特别适合于微处理器和控制器,适合很多商业操作系统性能相当的实时操作系统(RTOS)。(uC/OS III Is a ROM operation, scalable, preemptive, real-time multi task kernel based, high portability, especially suitab
- The STM32CubeMX, featuring: Configuration C code generation for pin multiplexing, clock tree, peripherals and middleware setup with graphical wizards Generation of IDE ready projects for a integrated development environment tool chains(Configuratio