- 拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里,然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。 配置ODBC数据源,按照每章的说明进行数据源的配置,程序对数据库的访问需要通过ODBC来实现。 打开\"控制面板\"中\"管理工具\"的\"ODBC(数据源)\",在弹出的对话框中创建文件DSN。 my_factory.dsn 本例需要创建的文件DSN,登录方式选择\"使用用户输入登录ID和密码的SQL Server验证\", 登录ID为sa,密码为空,选择默认
石器时代 客户端工具全套源代码
- 包含 图像辅助工具.图片修改工具.补丁追加工具.补丁更新工具.地图制作工具.登录列表更改工具.,Stone Age tools client source code contains a full set of images aids. Picture editing tools. Patch additional tools. Patch update tool. Map production tools. Login to change the tool list.
- SA基本工具的源代码 内有 石器图像辅助工具 石器图片修改工具 石器客户端工具集合 石器地图制作工具 石器补丁追加工具 石器补丁更新工具 登陆列表修改工具 DLL源代码-SA of the source code of the basic tools, there are stone tools tool image picture modify tool stone tool collection of client tools for map produc
WM Recorder 注册机
- 如果已经安装好了vobsub,就可以运用vobsub里面带的字幕提取工具vsrip提取字幕。 打开VobSub程序组,运行vobsub.configure,点击Open来打开vts_01_0.ifo文件(此文件已经拷贝到硬盘上,无需从光盘上找),选定放置字幕文件的子目录,点击确定.提取完成之后会生成Vts_01_0.sub和vts_01_0.idx两个字幕文件,若按照DVDrip的做法是在最终视频文件生成之后,将字幕文件更名并与主体一致,但在此这个步骤被提前了,因为real格式文件的字幕是嵌
- It s a tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair. -It sa tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair.
- It s a tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair. -It sa tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair.
- ttcn 开发程序包,提供一个开发ttcn的sdk-T3DevKit is a free open source toolkit to ease the development of test suites in the TTCN-3 environment. It provides: ■a CoDec generator (t3cdgen) that automates the development process of the CoDec needed for coding T
- 石器客户端工具源码,包含补丁工具源码和登录器制作工具源码-Stone source client tool, patch tool includes source code and log device authoring tools
- 石器时代一个工具的源码。主要以些为引导,可以开发出很好的后续。-sa tool......
- 基于SOCKET的简单聊天工具并且涉及到数据库的使用(需要导入数据库文件,数据库名为ChatRoom,数据库默认账号sa,无密码)-SOCKET-based chat tool is simple and involves the use of the database (need to import the database file, the database name ChatRoom, the database default account sa, no password)
- 一个实用的小工具,实现MSCAN地址中 P, R, DP, PF, PS, SA等和MSCAN地址间的转换-A useful tool to achieve the MSCAN address P, R, DP, PF, PS, SA, etc. and convert between MSCAN address
- Matlab的模拟退火算法工具箱与实例,包括最经典的旅行商问题等-Matlab toolbox simulated annealing algorithm and examples, including the most classic traveling salesman problem, etc.