- The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. In its user management features the TMS Security System relies on user/group profiles stored in a database. The users can be grouped and can inherit ri
- Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] systems have become popular for automated identification and supply chain applications. This article describes the technical fundamentals of RFID systems and the associated standards. Specifically, we
- acegi构造安全的java系统,保证java系统体系的安全-Acegi structural safety java systems, java system to ensure the safety of
- 人脸识别具有广泛的应用前景,诸如公安系统的罪犯身份识别,驾驶执照及护照与实际持证人的核对、行及海关的监控系统及自动门卫系统等-Face recognition has wide application prospects, such as the Public Security system offender identification, driving license and passport and the actual holder of the check, the Customs a
- 基于W78E51单片机的消防员安全报警接收机系统源程序。-W78E51 MCU-based fire safety alarm receiver system source code.
- example of security system
- delphi组件,用于与操作系统安全有关的操作,控件中对底层的API函数,作了大量封装。哈哈,用起来就一个字“爽”-delphi components, with the operating system for security-related operations, controls on the bottom of the API function, made a large number of packages. Haha, to use one word on the " Sm
- Hello guys, I ve built this GSM security system as my semester project using T290i mobile and controlled my car using it. Please leave your comments about it. If any one needs help in implementing such a system, I can help. Some of the fu
- 人脸识别是近年来模式识别、图像处理、机器视 觉、神经网络以及认知科学等领域研究的热点课题之 一。作为生物特征识别的一个重要方面, 人脸识别在 档案管理系统、安全验证系统、信用卡验证、公安系统 的罪犯身份识别、银行和海关的监控、人机交互等领域 具有广阔的应用前景。与指纹识别、视网膜识别、虹膜 识别等技术相比, 人脸识别技术在数据采集方面手续 比较简单, 使用者更容易接受。-Face recognition in recent years, pattern recogni
- This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects p
- Nice document on Fingerprint recognition system Very good thesis
- TMS Security System 2.4 for Delphi - FullSource
- 基于AT89S52的GSM安防系统 本人最近弄了个基于AT89S52的GSM安防系统,想到当初由一个新手开始做这个的时候在找案例参考基本都看不懂。所以我做好这个项目后,就把它无私贡献给大家。希望对有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。这是一整套的成品,里面有说明文档,99SE的原理图和PCB,还有全套代码。在这里需要说明一点的是,由于本人孤军做此项目,所以很多地方都不是很完善。 该程序已经实现发生警报,然后通过GSM发送短信到目标号码,然后由目标再回发相应的控制短信去控制。 更多请查看附件里面的说明
- 基于ADI的Blackfin533的家庭安全系统设计-Blackfin533 based on ADI' s Home Security System
- TMS Security System Quick Start documentation.
- Can Application in Security system
- 用matlab编写的家庭安全监控系统,运用无线网络摄像头,同软件实时监控家庭实际情况。-Home Security System write by matlab.
- The security system implemented monitors the state of eight doors (open or closed) and shows the state in leds when the selector indicate it. Also the number corresponding to the desired door is shown in a 7seg display.
ATM Security System
- Atm security system using GSM
(App) Delphi Component - Tms Security System
- TMS Security system pack delphi 7 source code