- 通过PC并口模拟I2C信号,编写sharp stV0288 芯片驱动,在VC++环境下编译通过。-PC parallel port through I2C signal simulation, prepared sharp stV0288 chip-driven, the VC environment compile.
- Windows Mobile的简单IM程序(Socket via C sharp) 发一个Csharp socket的Demo, 其中client是WM Pocket PC ,server端是PC机的程序
- 完成飛行情報區交叉可以高保真的夢想,它的大幅過濾器和線性信號階段。 but current FFT type of FIR crossover on PC loses time information of audio signal.但目前的FFT類型的FIR交叉在PC失去時間信息的音頻信號。 If you use 10ms frame, time information in 10ms are lost.如果您使用10ms幀,在10ms時間信息都將丟失。 Now nVidia CUDA G
- 苹果下的锐捷认证软件(有源代码).本程序完成Mac OS X下校园网的锐捷认证,算法是锐捷2.56。 power PC version 测试环境(PowerPC G4, Leopard 10.5.2) verion 1.0 beta-Czech Republic under the Apple authentication sharp software (source code). This process is complete Mac OS X under the campus ne
- A simple Windows program to open webcam in Winodow PC using C# to call avicap32.dll (develop in Sharp develop)
- DVBViewer allows you to experience Digital TV on your PC. With a proper DVB card you can enter the world of digital entertainment and experience high quality, incredibly sharp TV pictures and near CD quality radio!
- 完整的程序需要先解压无需激活码自动安装非常方便快捷-Need to extract the complete program automatically installed without activation very convenient and fast
- 本人编写的飞思卡尔智能车摄像头组的上位机,使用了CSerialPort类和CImage类-I prepared Freescale smart car PC camera group, the use of classes and CImage CSerialPort
- 一个通过串口接受单片机数据并保存到本地路径的上位机界面-Accepts data through the serial port of a microcontroller and save it to a local path PC interface
- PCAN Basic API example code for PCAN CAN bus analyzer tool to monitor from PC.
- 之前开发空气净化器项目用C#编写串口上位机程序,用于读取DC1700激光粉尘传感器和夏普红外粉尘传感器做数据对比和整合,程序涉及到SerialPort串口使用、NPOI库操作excel表格、数据曲线显示-Previously developed air purifier programs written in c# serial PC program, used to read DC1700 laser dust sensor dust and sharp infrared sensors to
- 這個是用C sharp 編程, 能夠調用攝像頭webcam的一個源程序, 能夠自動進行PC接入的攝像頭尋找匹配. -This is a source program which can call the camera webcam , programmatically created by C sharp, and it can make the camera connected by PC automatically find matching.
- 配合下位机串口升级上位机 ymodem协议(Serial port upgrade PC ymodem protocol)