- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a thre
- Applying Six Sigma to software development makes software projects transparent to both management and customers
- 使用vs2010结合qt designer制作的图像处理软件,目前包含了灰度操作;直方图、通道图显示;实现了大津算法、最大熵算法和手动调整(单阈值、双阈值)的二值化操作;含几何操作;代数操作;使用卷积完成了roberts、sobel、prewitt三种算子的边缘检测,也可手动输入kernel;使用卷积完成了gaussian、median、mean三种算子的去噪功能,gaussian算子可手动输入sigma;同时采用workspace支持多文档打开,是一个photoshop的雏形。-Produce
- 此书讲解了嵌入式系统的开发及测试过程,对嵌入式系统的测试介绍得很详细,很有参考价值。-Many enterprises regard system-level testing as the final piece of the development effort, rather than as a tool that should be integrated throughout the development process. As a consequence, test teams oft
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold
- 小波分解和重构 小波分解和重构 -thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold denoising matlab program: thr
- 介绍了如何将MSP430与ADS1252连接-This application report demonstrates an effective method to interface the ADS1251 and ADS1252 sigma-delta data converters to the MSP430F449 microcontroller. The software for this application report was developed on the HPA4