- 对1帧图像进行8方向的sobel算子提取边缘,原始图像格式是BMP-right image for an eight direction of the pixel edge detection operator, is the original image BMP format
- 含有了图像处理中一些经典和常用的图像处理算法,如:灰度图像处理,图像增强,图像变换,形态学图像处理。其中灰度图像处理包含三个算法:彩色图转灰度图,灰度图直方图,直方图均衡化;图像增强含有:增加椒盐噪声,中值滤波,sobel算子边缘提取(水平方向和垂直方向一起考虑),laplace算子边缘提取,模糊,锐化;图像变换含有:haar小波变换,RGB转HSV颜色空间。形态学图像处理含腐蚀,膨胀,开操作,闭操作。-Contains some of the classic image processing
- 8方向的sobel边缘提取算法,自己用VC编的-8 direction sobel edge detection algorithm, itself compiled with VC
- This Matlab code shows how to perform edge detection by Sobel method in horizontal & vertical direction and the effect of increasing and decreasing the threshold value . Besides, you can try to perform the edge detection by other method in the same w
- Based on this one-dimensional analysis, the theory can be carried over to two-dimensions as long as there is an accurate approximation to calculate the derivative of a two-dimensional image. The Sobel operator performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurem
- Based on this one-dimensional analysis, the theory can be carried over to two-dimensions as long as there is an accurate approximation to calculate the derivative of a two-dimensional image. The Sobel operator performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurem
- 主要是计算机专业研究生,图像处理方向的课程作业,实现图像处理,比如说用到的sobel算子,拉普拉斯算子的实现!-Mainly computer science graduate course work in the direction of image processing, Image processing, for example, the sobel operator is used, the realization of the Laplacian!
- Sobel算子就是一种基于方向导数掩模求卷积的方法。通过边缘检测算子可以检测到每个像素的领域并对灰度变化率进行量化,也包括方向的确定。该代码是基于sobel算法的检测程序。-Sobel operator is a directional derivative mask and convolution methods. To each pixel and gray level in the field rate of change can be detected through the edge
- 本算法是在经典Sobel算子基础上,结合汽车本身的实际情况,增加了6个方向模板,同时利用基于L2 范数的各同性扩散去噪模型消除噪声,最终得出汽车轮廓图。仿真结果表明:该算法对汽车图像的噪声干扰 有较强的抑制能力,汽车轮廓提取定位更准,精度更高,图像更清晰。-This algorithm is the classical Sobel operator on the basis of the actual situation with the car itself, an increase
- 边缘是图像中最重要的信息,是模式识别、图像分 割以及场景分析的重要基础。边缘检测是图像处理领 域一项重要的技术和任务。图像中边缘通常解释为灰 度值有突然改变,像素梯度具有局部极大值。很多经 典的边缘检测算子如:Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Frei- Chen和Laplacian等,均以图像局部区域特征与特定 边缘模式匹配为基础,定义数个方向导数模板(一般为 窗口),将图像与模板进行卷积运算实现边缘检测。它 们具有实现简单,速度快速,易于应用
- 边缘是图像中最重要的信息,是模式识别、图像分 割以及场景分析的重要基础。边缘检测是图像处理领 域一项重要的技术和任务。图像中边缘通常解释为灰 度值有突然改变,像素梯度具有局部极大值。很多经 典的边缘检测算子如:Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Frei- Chen和Laplacian等,均以图像局部区域特征与特定 边缘模式匹配为基础,定义数个方向导数模板(一般为 窗口),将图像与模板进行卷积运算实现边缘检测。它 们具有实现简单,速度快速,易于应用
- 去除同一方向上,直线相交的拐点;将合并后的图像中分割区域中变为道路标线区域;获取任意两点之间的角度;获取Sobel边缘检测后的最长直线;对图像进行分块处理;获取任意两点之间的距离等等。-Removal of the same direction, a straight line intersecting the inflection point divided region in the merged image becomes the road marking area Get the a
- 指纹方向图的计算,采用sobel算子,能计算出每个点的方向-Fingerprint pattern calculated using sobel operator, direction can be calculated for each point
- 本文采用 Sobel 算子检测待插像素点周围的原图像像素点,判断其是否边缘点并检测出边缘方向,再依据沿边缘走向的像素点灰度变化平缓,边缘两侧像素点灰度值突变的进 行待插像素点的自适应插值。该算法具有较低的算法复杂度良好的客观质量,视觉效果以及最佳的图像缩放综合性能。本文工作是正在开发的数字电视图像后处理SoC芯片中 的一部分,下一步工作为:完成本文算法的硬件实现,将其作为 SoC 芯片中的图像缩放模块,与降噪模块、去隔行模块等其他 IP 模块一起形成完整的数字电视图像后处理 SoC芯片。
- 输入一幅图像,进行高斯光滑,使用索贝尔算子计算图像梯度,然后求出梯度幅值和方向-Enter an image, using Gaussian smoothing, ,using Sobel operator to calculate the image gradient, and then find the gradient magnitude and direction
- 利用改进的Sobel算子检测图像边缘,从水平、垂直、左右对角线的方向计算Sobel梯度,并且加入拐角的梯度值。-The improved Sobel edge detection operator, horizontal, vertical, left and right diagonal direction Sobel gradient calculation, and adding the value of the gradient of the corner.
- :%中值滤波%otsu 自动阈值计算%利用4个方向的roberts和进行边缘提取,并二值化%膨胀处理- Otsu median filter automatically calculate threshold using 4 direction roberts and edge detection and binarization expansion deal-Otsu median filter automatically calculate threshold using 4 directi
- 利用8方向的SOBEL算子对车牌进行边缘检测,效果很好-Using 8 SOBEL operator for edge detection, license plate in the direction of the effect is very good
- Sobel算子根据像素点上下、左右邻点灰度加权差,在边缘处达到极值这一现象检测边缘。对噪声具有平滑作用,提供较为精确的边缘方向信息,边缘定位精度不够高。当对精度要求不是很高时,是一种较为常用的边缘检测方法。本代码用sobel边缘检测,检查细胞边缘,有图。- 简体中文 繁体中文 英语 法语 德语 西班牙语 Sobel operator according to the pixel point up and down, left and right adjacent pixels g
- 利用八方向的sobel边缘检测,实现对图像多梯度的梯度检测,检测出的边缘信息更加平滑连续。(Eight direction Sobel edge detection is used to realize gradient detection of image multi gradient, and the edge information detected is more smooth and continuous.)