- 这软件是在扫描文件中取消操音的。 用这软件可以取消任何bmp图像中的操音。-this software in document scanning cancel the parade sound. This software can be used to eliminate any bmp image of the sound parade.
- 文章介绍了一种对语音进行变速不变调处理的系统" 该系统与ADPCM编解码技术相结合!能更精确地检测和分割(音元)!并通过音元的复制和抽取实现了对播放语速的控制!达到了变速不变调的目的"。该系统用FPGA实现!结果表明:采用改进后的音元处理算法!可以大大减少语音处理中所引入的噪声;该算法与ADPCM相结合实现的语音变速系统!具有速度快、占用资源少、芯片面积小和成本低等特点"。,This paper presents a voice for transmission to the same tune
- DSB-SC信号的生成与解调 1) 用离散(DSP)的方法生成DSB信号 2) 载波频率为150KHz,音频为500Hz和2000Hz的混合音。 3) 加入高斯白噪声 (4) 语音信号 的传输。 改变抽样频率和量化台阶大小,观察重建信号以及量化噪声信号的波形;对于语音信号主观评价声音质量的变化。 -DSB-SC signal generation and demodulation 1) Discrete (DSP) methods to generate
- 声音信号处理示例.基本信号处理,去噪,可以加白噪声!-Examples of voice signal processing. The basic signal processing, denoising, you can add white noise!
- 采用滤波器组,将盲分离与声源定位结合在一起。滤波器组中分别进行子带处理,并且在每个子带中进行声源定位,最后综合所有子带估计的方向得到多个声源的方位信息,同时将声源信息作为ICA分析的约束条件,可以在色噪声及多得到更好的盲分离效果。其优势在于用滤波器组进行多次的估计声源方向,再加以合适的权值均衡后即可得到更优的估计。-The use of filters will be blind source separation and sound localization together. Filter
- 结合马尔可夫过程,提出一种概率论的声源定位算法,并给出了基于DSP的机器人实现。其中声源定位部分采用三个麦克风呈三角形放置,为减小由于噪声等引起的TDOA估计误差,采用马尔可夫过程计算时延,这样计算的时延会更可靠。该方案中的声源定位也属于一维定位,即只需知道声源的方向角-Combination of Markov process, a probability theory of sound source location algorithm, and give the robot based o
- 无线通信中各种常用信号产生程序,里面具有BPSK,MFSK,QPSK,白噪声等波形产生程序,声称的波形何以存储为Wav文件或直接输出到声卡!适合短波数据通信编程参考!-Wireless communication signals in a variety of commonly used procedures, which have a BPSK, MFSK, QPSK, of white noise such as waveform generation process, claiming t
- ATH3101 Datasheet The ATH3101 is an integrated hands-free car kit IC that improves voice quality through proprietary SoundClear® technologies: Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Noise Cancellation, Sound Enhancement, and Side-tone Reduction.-T
- :高斯混合模型(GMM)是一种经典的说话人识别算法,本文在实现其算法的同时,主要模拟了不同噪声环境情况下高斯混合模型 (GMM)的杭嗓声性能,得到了一些有益结论。 -Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a classic speaker recognition algorithms, this algorithm at the same time in fulfilling its main simulated environmental conditions
- Frequency Analyzer. Whistle a melody and watch this program graph the pitch in real time. The Frequency Analyzer (download now) technically speaking performs a Fast Fourier Transform of the sound (you need a sound card and a microphone to use this
- 对用声级计测得的交通噪声级进行分析和处理,包括图形的显示-Right to use sound level meter measured the traffic noise level of analysis and processing, including the graphical display of
- 转换图像文件程序(方形,为音乐的最高120x120像素)文件(*. WAV和噪音)。你可以看在音乐谱图隐藏的图像 - 过程被称为声音隐秘。 -Program converts image file (square shape, maximum 120x120 pixels) into music file (*.wav, noise). You can watch the hidden image in spectrogram of music- process called sound s
- 对原始语音进行上采样和下采样,分析对比他们的时域图和频谱图。最后对比原始语音、75HZ激励、150HZ激励以及噪声激励下的效果-SOME SIMPLE MANIPULATIONS OF SOUND USING DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING The original sound and its spectrogram Downsampling the waveform downsampling Upsampling the waveform Li
- A few examples of designing and implementing fir filters with Matlab-filtering a signal taken from the mic input of the soundcard and putting it on the headphones output chanel and removing noise from ECG.I m uploading this file just because I need t
- • Plot the noisy speech signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain. • 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析 • Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal. • 设计合适滤波器进行去噪 • Plot the clean signal both in time-domain
- Labview配合电脑声卡实现对空间中任一噪声的功率谱分析-Labview computer sound card with space to achieve any of the power spectrum analysis of noise
- 包含了使用matlab对声音信号进行时域和频域分析,加高斯噪声,并用高通、低通、带通滤波器进行滤波,并显示波形图。-Contains the sound signal using matlab time domain and frequency domain analysis, plus Gaussian noise, and high-pass, low pass, band pass filter to filter and display waveforms.
- Measu Hz. Break Pad Sound Noise test
- AX2K噪声问题解决办法,AX2K 是两颗MP3 解码芯片,可广泛地用于车机,BoomBOX 等应用,整体方案具有功耗小,音质好,接口灵活,二次开发方便等特点,产品实测DAC 的音频指标,SNR > 79dB,THD > 79dB ,带宽可以达到20Hz~20KHz。-Solution AX2K noise issue, AX2K two MP3 decoder chip, can be widely used in the car, BoomBOX application over
- FM2010芯片是基于迷你阵列麦克风(SAM)专利技术的,采用空间滤波技术、远/近距离定向拾取声音信号、抑制声学噪声、消除声学回声的低功耗低成本的单芯片。本文将介绍迷你阵列麦克风技术在手持通信产品中的设计要点、FM2010芯片主要功能,及其在GSM手机中的典型应用。 本人提供全套FM2010调试用时的芯片手册,参数调试手册,寄存器手册,及固件程序。-FM2010 chip is based on the mini-array microphone (SAM) patented techno