- 人脸检测源代码. The souce demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduct
- Chesnokov Yuriy写的人脸检测库,内容涵盖肤色检测、运动估计、SVM分类、PCA/LDA/ICA特征提取以及神经网络分类器等。-The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN
- 基于肤色分割和SVM的人脸检测的MATLAB 代码,主要是利用YCgCr来来进行肤色建模,然后结合SVM进行检测。 希望对您有所帮助!-Based on skin color segmentation and SVM Face Detection MATLAB code, mainly used to carry out color YCgCr to model, and then tested with SVM. Want to help you!
- 本文的目的是提供一个我开发的SSE优化的,C++库,用于人脸检测,你可以马上把它用于你的视频监控系统中。涉及的技术有:小波分析,尺度缩减模型(PCA,LDA,ICA),人工神经网络(ANN),支持向量机(SVM),SSE编程,图像处理,直方图均衡,图像滤波,C++编程,还有一下其它的人脸检测的背景知识-The purpose of this paper is to provide an I developed SSE optimized, C++ library, used for face d
- 完整的包括皮肤及动作识别的C++人脸检测源代码,涉及的技术有:小波分析,尺度缩减模型(PCA,LDA,ICA),人工神经网络(ANN),支持向量机(SVM),SSE编程,图像处理,直方图均衡,图像滤波,C++编程等。-Complete, including skin and actions identified C++ face detection source code, the technology involved are: wavelet analysis, scaling down m
- The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduction/pro
- 基于梯度方向直方图( H OG) 特征的行人检测是目前检测精度较高的主流方法。针对基于梯度直方图特征的 行人检测存在检测精度还有待提高、向量维数大的问题, 提出使用梯度直方图统计特征加颜色频率和肤色特征描述行 人, 选取一些分类能力较强的block 作为最后的特征, 使用线性SVM 分类。在INRIA 库上的实验证明, 该方法能有效地 提高检测精度。-H istog r am o f or iented g radient( H OG) based on pedestr ian de
- The sign language recognition to create a to store the training image, the video capture infront the user image and each sign language assign the letter the preprocessing the image then image is convert into rgg to cbcr. The image is segmented fe
- SVM and classifier of skin detection
- To classify four types of skin diseases such as Dermatitis, Melanoma, Diabetic foot ulcer, Impetigo,2 types of ML algorithms KNN and SVM are used. To get a visual representation of classifier output the ROC curve is plotted. To measure the performanc