- 摘 要 提出了一种基于样本学习的人脸肖像画自动生成算法.文章采用非均匀的马尔科夫随机场模型来描述肖 像画与人脸图像之间的统计关系 ,并使用基于训练样本的非参数化的概率表示 ,在贝叶斯优化的框架下设计了迭 代采样算法 ,可以自动的从人脸图像生成特定风格的肖像画.在该方法中 ,使用非均匀的统计模型是保持肖像中人 脸结构准确性的关键.文中所提供的例子表明了该文方法的有效性-Abstract In this paper , we present a new approach for au
- A non-parametric method for texture synthesis proposed. The texture synthesis process grows a new image outward from an initial seed, one pixel at a time. A Markov random field model is assumed, and the conditional distribution of a pixel giv
- Most recent approaches have posed texture synthesis in a statistical setting as a problem of sampling from a probability distribution. Zhu et. al. [12] model texture as a Markov Random Field and use Gibbs sampling for synthesis. Unfortunately,