- SnackAmp is a powerful multi-platform audio music (mp3, ogg ,wav, streams ...) player and organizer for large music collections. Manage your entire collection, including ID3 tagging and auto-playlisting. Integrated web server for remote control/strea
- 在卡片上管理密码的工具。密码被标注并集体加密存储在卡片上。因此这是一个安全存储密码的方法-on the card password management tool. Tagging password encryption and collective memory on the card. So this is a safe method of storage of passwords
- 自营店增加查看缴款记录功能,可以查看门店缴款。 记录数据,门店只能查看自己的缴款记录。 使用同价调拨和变价调拨可以产生相应的GSP报表,即做完同价调拨和变价调拨,可以到对应报表中调用同价调拨单和同价调拨单生成GSP报表。 增加“盘点数量为零商品显示”功能,并增加对盘点时有改动商品的颜色标注,便于对有盘点改动商品的进行跟踪,并且可以在盘点过程中添加电脑中没有的库存商品(自动盘营盘亏中)。 库存盘点时增加“产地”、“备注”和“生产厂家”字段(自动盘盈
- 1. 先打开规则库,读入规则集 (可比较两个规则文件rule1.txt 和 rule2.txt的差异) 2. 选择经过分词和词性标注的文件,进行句法分析 3. 分析结果文件与测试文件在同一个目录下,文件后缀名为 .pcfg 4. 分析结束后,同时产生一个新的规则文件,后缀名为.new, 可以观察规则概率值和期望次数的变化 5. 分析结果逐个以树形图方式显示,如果一个句子有多个结果,在显示框中同时显示。-1. Accounting rules to open, read the r
- mapyrus能够将点、线、多边形、标注、符号等按PDF、POSTscr ipt、SVG、WEB IMAGE等格式输出。提供编程手段,满足不同开发需求。-mapyrus able to point, line, polygon, tagging, and other symbols on PDF, POSTscr ipt, SVG, WEB IMAGE output formats. Provide programming tools to meet different needs of dev
- VB+MAPX5.0做的简单电子地图程序,包括放大,缩小,拖动,查询,测距,图层显示,标注显示.只为给初学者一个例子-VB MAPX5.0 do simple electronic maps, including to zoom, drag, inquiries, and Ranging, layers, tagging shows. Just to give an example beginners
- 海天智能分词系统源码,可以根据需要设置分词的粒度,另外提供了词性标注,关键字提取等功能-sky Intelligent Word system source code, according to the need for segmentation of granularity, the provision of tagging, keyword extraction functions
- 基于统计的文本分析中,最为常用的最大熵算法,可直接调用,广泛用于词性标注,词义消岐等-based on statistical analysis of the text, the most commonly used of maximum entropy algorithm, can be called directly, widely used in tagging, Words such as Consumers qi
- 文本分析中基于统计的方法中,最为常用的最大熵算法,该源码为Python版,广泛应用于词性标注,词义消岐等领域-text analysis based on statistical methods, the most commonly used of maximum entropy algorithm, the source code for Python version, widely used in tagging, Meaning Consumers divergent fields
- 一个Dialog的源码,以及GridLayout和GridData联合使用。对布局过程中关键属性所需设置进行了标注。-a source of Dialog, and GridLayout and GridData joint use. The layout of the course set up key attributes required for tagging.
- 1,本软件实现了围棋打谱,编辑棋谱,可以对每一步棋写心得体会,增加若干变化图(并有解说及字母可标注),以后可随时调出查看. 2,本软件实现了围棋死活,手筋,妙手的试题创作,并且可以分析若干正解图,变化图,失败图.并且可加入到试题库中. 3,本软件实现了从试题库中加载试题,并可自己作练习. 4,本软件实现了定式的学习 5,本软件实现了加载棋谱续下等功能 -1, the software Go to fight the spectrum, editing batter, ever
- 学习汉语自动分词与词性标注软件的组件化有助于更好的理解中文分词系统,PoS tagging HMM
- 基于隐马尔科夫的中文词性标注系统的C++源代码,包括训练集和测试集语料库,单词量和词性数目都没有写死,可适应任意大的训练和测试数据集,程序已经过优化,一次标注只需要不到10秒的时间。-Based on Hidden Markov of the Chinese part of speech tagging system in C++ source code, including the training set and test set corpus, vocabulary and speech
- JTextPro: A Java-based Text Processing tool that includes sentence boundary detection (using maximum entropy classifier), word tokenization (following Penn conventions), part-of-speech tagging (using CRFTagger), and phrase chunking (using CRFChunker
- 对图片中的人脸可以进行自动的标注,并显示出来。-The face of pictures can be automatic tagging, and displayed
- 自然语言处理中汉语词性标注的C程序以及实例实验,-Chinese part-of-speech tagging C++ program as well as instances of experimental
- 本文通过MATLAB工具,提出了一种实现图片自动标注的方法,并实现了图片自动标注系统。-In this paper, MATLAB tools, we propose a method to achieve image automatic annotation and automatic tagging system to achieve the picture.
- 基于隐马尔可夫模型的中文分词、词性标注、命名实体识别-Based on Chinese word hidden Markov model, speech tagging, named entity recognition
- LINUX环境,对图像中物体打标签,深度学习。(In LINUX,tagging labels of the object in the image, deep learning.)
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF Models for Sequence Tagging
- In this paper, we propose a variety of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based models for sequence tagging. These models include LSTM networks, bidirectional LSTM (BI-LSTM) networks, LSTM with a Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer (LSTM-CRF) and bidirec