The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
- 《The Art of Designing Embedded Systems(设计嵌入式系统的艺术)》,不可多得的好书,与你分享。-"The Art of Designing Embedded Systems (Embedded System Design Art)," rare books to share with you.
- 书\"The art of error correcting code\"的源代码,unix下的C文件,在windows下的vc编译环境下要修改部分引用的头文件和函数。-book "The art of error correcting code" of the source code, unix under the C documents the windows of vc compiler environment to revise the first part cite
- 『下载说明』这里提供给大家的是早已金盆洗手的著名黑客KEVIN D. MITNICK将其一生积累下来的丰富技能汇集成书的《The Art of Intrusion》(入侵的艺术)英文版的PDF格式电子书下载。
- The Art of Assembly Language,汇编语言编程艺术,计算机经典著作,英文原版
- THE.ART.OF.Cpp—C++艺术,Herbert Schildt的全新力作,讲述了c++的新特性和对未来的展望,强烈推荐!-THE.ART.OF.Cpp-C art, Herbert Schildt's new work, described c of the new features and vision for the future and strongly recommended!
- Herbert Schildt 的 The Art of C++ 電子書
- In The Art of Project Management, you ll learn from a veteran manager of software and web development how to plan, manage and lead projects. This personal account of hard lessons learned over a decade of work in the industry distills complex concepts
(The Art of Assembly Language).ZIP
- (The Art of Assembly Language)
- 黑客之道:漏洞发觉的艺术(中文版) Hacking: The Art of Exploitation 作者:Jon Erickson-Hacker said: vulnerability found art (Chinese version) Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Author: Jon Erickson
- 计算机程序设计艺术,第四卷,这是目前能找到的最全的版本了。-The Art of Computer Programming, Vol4.
- Knuth不僅僅是傑出的programmer,同時也是世界聞名的數學家和演算法的專家。他的經典巨著The Art of Computer Programming裡頭寫的是他畢生研究演算法和程式設計的精華-Knuth is not only an outstanding programmer, but also world-renowned mathematicians and experts algorithm. His classic masterpiece, The Art of Compu
- Knuth不僅僅是傑出的programmer,同時也是世界聞名的數學家和演算法的專家。他的經典巨著The Art of Computer Programming裡頭寫的是他畢生研究演算法和程式設計的精華-Knuth is not only an outstanding programmer, but also world-renowned mathematicians and experts algorithm. His classic masterpiece, The Art of Compu
- 此为"The Art of JAVA"书籍关于设计解析器之码。很旧的一本书了,但感觉还是很经典。-This is the source code of the book "The Art Of JAVA" regarding to the design of BASIC interpreter. An old book, but really a good book.
- 软件测试的书籍,让你了解软件测试不光光是一本科学,更是一门艺术。-Software testing books, software testing so that you understand not just a science, it is an art.
- 经典的软件测试的书籍,包括了很多基本的测试方法,测试的入门之选。-The classic software testing books, including a lot of the basic testing methods, testing the entry choice.
- 汇编语言的艺术,学习汇编的好书籍。找了好久才找到。-Art of assembly language, learning a good compilation of books. Looking for a long time to find.
- 广受各路黑客好评的“汇编语言艺术“教导程序员如何理解汇编语言,以及如何用它来编写功能强大,高效的代码。作为其主要的教学工具行之有效的高级别汇编,“汇编语言艺术“充分利用您的高级编程语言的知识,使您更轻松快速地掌握基本的装配概念。其中最全面的参考汇编语言每一个出版的“汇编语言,第2版艺术“已被彻底更新,以反映最近的修改HLA的语言。从书中的所有代码可以移植到了Windows,Linux还是Mac OS X和FreeBSD操作系统。-Widely respected by hackers of al
- UNIX编程艺术(中文版和英文版的都有)-UNIX Programming Art (both Chinese and English)
- 软件测试的艺术,对于从未接触过软件测试的人可以起到一定的指导作用,对于有了一定基础的人可以让其更深入的了解。里面主要介绍了黑盒测试、白盒测试等。-the art of software testing describes the black-box testing,white-box testing. It is both good for the people who has no knowledge of software testing and the the people who hav
- 《SQL语言艺术》分为12章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例子大多来自于实际案例,对九种SQL经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你的实际工作提出了具体建议。 本书适合SQL数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合DBA,尤其是数据库应用维护人员阅读。(The art of SQL is divided into 12 chapters, each containing many principles or guidelines, and explai